Thursday, November 16, 2023

Beware Of The Satanic Jehovah's Witness Cult

John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”

Now look at the corrupt Bible used by the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) cult...
NEW WORLD TRANSLATION (NWT) - John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. This one was in the beginning with God. All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.”
Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) falsely claim that Jesus is “a god,” but not almighty God. JW founder, Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916), was sued in Canada for perverting the Word of God in John 1:1. Charles added the article “a” before God in John 1:1, to attack Jesus' deity. That was blatant irresponsible Bible translation. It was fraud. If you look inside Russell's New World Translation (NWT) today, you will find the fraudulent article “a” inserted before the word God, thus corrupting God's inspired Word. Woe be unto Charles Russell (Proverbs 30:5-6; Revelation 22:19). Mr. Russell by adding something that doesn't belong, removed Jesus' deity from the Holy Bible.

Isaiah 9:6b calls Jesus “The everlasting Father.” Jesus told the Jews that when they saw Him, they also saw the Father. John 14:9, “Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?” 1st Timothy 3:16b says, “God was manifest in the flesh...” Every modern Devil's Bible revision corrupts this passage of Scripture, removing the word “God” to discredit Jesus as almighty God. That is, they attack Jesus' deity. Jesus is the Father in the sense that they are both God, but Jesus and the Father are two distinctly different persons in the Trinity (Godhead). They posses different unique physical bodies, sitting upon separate thrones in Heaven (Colossians 3:1).

Also, please notice that the JW's pervert the Scripture, by changing John 1:3 to say that all things were made “through” Jesus instead of “by” Him. All of the new Bible revisions attack Jesus' deity by robbing Him of due credit as Creator of the universe.

Just like the ungodly butchers today who change the Holy Bible to obtain a legal copyright from the U.S. government's copyright department (so they can sell their new work), so also did Charles Russell change the Word of God to satisfy his denial of Jesus' deity. It should not come as a big surprise that the fathers of all modern-day corrupt Bible revisions, Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort, also denied Jesus' deity. Pastor Max D. Younce (1935-2023) exposes these two dangerous heretics. Listen to Dr. Younce's entire Bible study series titled: 'SO GREAT SALVATION.'

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