Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Sadly, My Worst Ministry Enemies Are Church Pastors

Matthew 10:36, “And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.”

Matthew 13:57, “And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.”

My website ministry passed its 20th anniversary in April of 2022. Praise the Lord! But my rejoicing in the Lord is a mixed basket of emotions, because as my ministry has prospered, church pastors have become my biggest critics, enemies and source of pain in my soul. Jesus foretold in our text Scripture from Matthew 10:36, that a man's enemies would be they of his own household. I had always assumed that this verse only referred to our immediate biological family. But as I ponder this Scripture further, I think it extends to any family relationship.

I was saved at age 13 in an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in 1980. I have been one ever since. Being Baptist doesn't affect or have anything to do with me being born-again, nor is it something that is required to get to Heaven. Truthfully, Heaven is denomination-blind. As Dr. John R. Rice (1895-01980) used to rightly say: “There is no such thing as 'the Baptist church'.” He is right! There is only “The Church.” However, it is helpful to identify one's self with a particular religious affiliation, so that other people can known our distinctives. For example: When someone tells me that they are a Seventh-Day Adventism, I automatically know fairly well what they believe, and that they are very likely not a born-again believer. SDA's adhere to a corrupt Lordship Salvation type of false gospel, which requires that a person keep God's Ten Commandments to prove that their faith is real. Sadly, this is essentially exactly what the demonic Bob Jones University (BJU) cult is also preaching today. Dr. Steve Pettit is the new president of BJU (since 2014), and he is tragically an unsaved false prophet.

I have faithfully come out against them all, to expose them as the Bible commands a man of God to do (Titus 1:9-14). As Titus 1:13 commands, I have REBUKED THEM SHARPLY that they might be sound in the faith. Sadly, they are not repenting of their false teachings. Instead, they have banned me from attending their churches. Namely, the corrupt Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, which is a cesspool of theologically incompetent BJU graduates and Pensacola Christian College (PCC) compromisers. Harvest is guilty in God's sight of promoting corruptible seed (the Devil's bibles), and of preaching another gospel (aka, Calvinist, that is, Lordship Salvation).

I gratefully attended Harvest Baptist Church for the years of 2013 to 2014. I made many friends there. I was a part of their church family. I loved them so much that I tried to help them see. Dr. Tom Ferrell (whose sermons are broadcast by Harvest Baptist Church on their KHMG 88.1 FM radio station from Guam throughout Micronesia), rightly said: “A friend helps a friend to see.” But when I took Tom's good advice and I tried to help Harvest's wrong pastors see the error of their hurtful ways, they drove me out the door and then banned me from attending their church. I was lonely without a church family, divorced and at the bottom of life.

In 2017 I literally begged like a dog three times, for Pastors' Marty Herron (the senior pastor), Joe Hanson (assistant) and Jared Baldwin (assistant) to please allow me to come back tp church again. They all cold-heartedly refused. I met with Jared Baldwin (per his request) at McDonald's in March of 2015. While there I tried to hand him a copy of Pastor Al Lacy's excellent book, “NIV: The Antichrists' Bible,” to which he put his hands in the air to signify that he wouldn't touch the book with a 10-foot pole, and actually LAUGHED IN MY FACE!!!

In hindsight, I never should have even tried to go back to that religious cult. They were wrong on repentance, wrong on the Bible, wrong on the Gospel, wrong on a bunch of doctrinal things, and I knew it, but I had already been drawn into their church family in 2013-2014 before I realized what I was getting into. My life was broken after a very bitter and painful divorce, when my former wife abandoned me in 2006. I did feel loved at first at Harvest, until I TOLD THE TRUTH, then they sadly counted me as their enemy. The Apostle Paul experienced the same cruel rejection and pain of soul in Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” That is exactly what happened. It is so sad and wrong that a group of pastors would blackball me, despise my ministry and refuse to even allow me to attend their church, merely because I TOLD THEM THE TRUTH!!!

Thankfully, our great and just God up in Heaven sees all, and He will vindicate my truthful preaching.  Those incompetent infidel pastors at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam have mostly quit and moved on, but their evil deeds will haunt and follow them to the Judgment (Hebrews 9:27; Galatians 6:7) when they are held accountable by God for sending people to the Lake of Fire, and for willfully rejecting THE TRUTH.

Now I will move on to Pensacola Christian College (PCC), to expose them as well. After living on the island of Guam for 17 years (2004-2021), I moved to Pensacola, Florida in July of 2021. I chose to attend Campus Church at PCC. I had the misfortune of meeting Pastor Jeff Redlin (the shameful incompetent senior pastor of Campus Church at PCC) on July 4th, 2021 for the first time. I had been screwed over by the Woodspring Suites Hotel, because my flight was delayed by United Airlines when their plane had a last minute mechanical issue on Guam. So I missed my connecting flight to Denver in Honolulu. I was a day late.

The rotten hotel management were thugs and cancelled my 30-day reservation with them (wanting in their greed to take advantage of the 4th of July weekend), even though I gave them permission to go ahead and bill my credit card for the full 30 days, and assured them that I was on my way. When I told Pastor Redlin about this injustice, and that I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot that night, he looked startled and then just cold-heartedly walked away. That is the inept pastor of Campus Church, and my first and lasting shameful impression of him as the man who doesn't care!!!

I found out quickly that Pastor Jeff Redlin is not a nice fella. He was rude toward me, insulting me in front of his wife, telling me that he would never perform a wedding for me if I got remarried. But I never asked him to perform a wedding. They guy has issues. When I first started attending Campus Church, I mentioned briefly in a lengthy email to him that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church. I was then 54 years old. Pastor Redlin's childish and cruel reply to me was to actually scold me for coming to church to find a wife. But I had never said that was the reason I came to church. I simply said that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church. I quickly realized that I was dealing with a very shallow and small man. To be frank, the leadership at PCC are the academic types, not church builders, so they woefully lack God's compassion for people. They simply do not know how to live, just as didn't the cruel pastors of the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam.

My regular blog and website visitors know that I mention these places and people often. I don't do it because I am having a hard time letting go; but rather, because THE TRUTH is worth fighting for!!! Lordship Salvation is a perversion of the Gospel of free grace!!! (by Pastor Curtis Hutson). You see, the Bob Jones crowd have succumbed to Neo-evangelicalism, now sinfully hobnobbing with the Franklin Graham crowd. In case you didn't know, Billy and Franklin Graham preach a false gospel. My friend Michael P. Bowen kindly exposes Franklin Graham's counterfeit plan of salvation in chapter 12 (page 121) of his excellent book: 'I NEVER KNEW YOU' (free online .pdf version). This is my favorite book authored by a man.

Of course, the inspired King James Bible was authored by God almighty! I am sick and tired of hearing messed up preachers say that the King James Bible is corrupt and imperfect, tainted by the 54 scholars who translated it into English. Dear reader, Jesus is the Living Word, and the Holy Bible is the Written Word. To say that we only have imperfect corrupt Bibles today is the same as saying that Jesus is imperfect and corrupt too, because He is THE WORD OF GOD (John 1:1-3, 14; Revelation 19:13).

Regarding the PCC camp again, I noticed almost immediately when I started attending Campus Church, that PCC sinfully bids Godspeed to the Bob Jones University (BJU) crowd. To my knowledge, Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968), their college's founder, preached a simple free grace Gospel. I have read his books, and this is what I have found. But after Dr. Jones went to Heaven in 1968, the college began to go a different direction, at the foolish misguiding of his sons. By the time Dr. Bob Jones III was steering the BJU ship into the ground, the college was a hardcore supporter of Pastor John MacArthur (the most influential corrupt infidel of our generation, which has destroyed thousands of Baptist churches).

According to infidel John MacArthur, Jesus didn't have God's blood flowing in His earthly veins! BLASPHEMY!!! How could the virgin-born only begotten Son of God, not have God the Father's blood flowing in His veins. Jesus did NOT have an earthly father!!! Of course Jesus had God's blood in Him!!! John Macarthur is a deadly false prophet!!! Over 95% of the things that MacArthur teaches is fantastic Bible teaching, brilliant in fact. But that is what makes him all that much more dangerous and deceptive!

As with Harvest, Pensacola Christian College (PCC) has banned me from attending their Campus Church anymore. I was lonely and missed the friends that I had made at Campus Church in 2021, so in June of 2022 I wrote and mailed a humble kind letter to Pastor Jeff Redlin, begging to come back to church. I gave him my promise that IF he would allow me to come back to Campus Church, I would remove my harsh criticisms against him, Campus Church and PCC from social media. Pastor Redlin ignored me. So a month later in July I wrote a another letter and mailed two copies, one to PCC and one to all the pastors of Campus Church. Again, they all ignored me completely. What rotten religious people!

So In August, I was frustrated and I had had enough of their arrogance at PCC. So I lashed out harshly against them on social media. Only then did those hypocrites contact me to tell me that I could not attend Campus Church, because of my “consequential remarks.” What rotten jerks!!! What Jeff Redlin fails to understand is that his shameful remarks and unchristian behavior is also “consequential.” They despise me in the PCC camp because I have called them out, for wickedly bidding Godspeed to the corrupt BJU camp. The Unholy Alliance Between PCC, Harvest Baptist Church On Guam and Bob Jones University.

Kindly said, Pastor Jeff Redlin doesn't care about contending for the Christian faith. If he did, then he wouldn't have scolded me in July of 2021, falsely accusing me of “finding weaknesses in preachers. What saith the Scripture? Titus 1:13-14, “This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” Jeff Redlin is WRONG Scripturally, to rebuke me for SHARPLY REBUKING the Calvinist BJU camp!!!

If Pastor Redlin (and his assistant pastor, Timothy Zacharias) were right with God, he would commend me for my ministry work, and join me exposing falsehoods and bad pastors, instead of distancing himself from me as his enemy. SHAME on Pensacola Christian College for being A.W.O.L. from the battle over the inspired Word of God, and the free grace Gospel today. SHAME on any Christian pastor professes faith in Jesus Christ, who does not earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3b). I am far from being perfect, but I have faithfully contended for the faith (and by God's grace I will continue to do so). RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!!!!!

Sadly, my worst enemy is not witches, sodomites, abortionists or atheists; no, my worst enemies are today's money-oriented, rotten, corrupt, indifferent and incompetent church pastors. Go figure! And tragically, many of my enemies are unsaved pastors; namely, Marty Herron (former horrible pastor of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam) and Gary Walton (the new theologically incompetent pastor of the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam since 2018). God knows that I love these men with Christ's love. I am not a hateful person against people. The Lord knows that I do not harbor any hatred toward one human being. We are all in this thing called “life” together. All mankind are my brother. I love that song by The Hollies, He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother.” All humanity are my brothers and sisters. 

But in order to truly love my fellow human neighbour, I MUST warn others of falsehoods that can deceive and send them to everlasting damnation in Hell. All of these foolish preachers today that embellish the Gospel with junk theology, are obscuring God's simple plan of salvation. Jesus warned everyone about this:
Matthew 7:13-15, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”
Our great Savior made it abundantly clear in the preceding text exactly why MOST people are traveling the Highway To Hell (AC/DC has it right, they are all on a Highway To Hell). I shudder in horror to know that Malcom Young is already very likely burning in the fires of Hell. I am sad about that. The Young family claims to be Roman Catholic, but the accursed Church of Rome cannot save anyone! Jesus warned in John 3:3b, “Ye must be born again.” Religion will send you to Hell in your sins (Matthew 15:8). You need a Savior, and His precious name is Jesus (Acts 4:10-12).

I am sad that I have been banned from attending Harvest Baptist Church (not only by the former pastor Marty Herron, but also by their new horrible pastor Gary Walton). I am sad that I have also been banned from attending Campus Church at PCC. What was my crime? What was my offense? I TOLD THE TRUTH!!! I took a Biblical stand against the Devil's Bibles. PCC won't expose them! I took a Biblical stand against the Devil's Lordship Salvation. PCC won't expose the Devil's false gospel. Why am I doing all the preaching against these evils? Where is my Christian brothers in the PCC camp? I'll tell you, they are too choked by the cares, riches and pleasures of this life, too busy making money, to care about RIGHT DOCTRINE!!!

But even though I have become The Dark Knight (the hero who is saving Gotham City from itself), in so doing I have been turned into the hated villain. It is tragic that in 2022, a faithful man of God who preaches THE TRUTH, is hated and despised by pastors and churches. The sad truth is that Bob Jones University has deteriorated (especially under the incompetent leadership of Neo-Evangelical Dr. Steve Pettit since 2014) into a dangerous religious cult. They do not preach a free grace Gospel anymore; but rather, Calvinism! You won't find that garbage taught in the inspired King James Bible!!! I have done nothing wrong to expose the Bob Jones camp. But Pastor Redlin, Campus Church and PCC are guilty in God's sight of wickedly bidding Godspeed to the Bob Jones University cult.

I am not a big Dr. Peter S. Ruckman (1921-2016) fan. I humbly disagree with several of his false teachings, which include endorsing abortion, and his horrible claim that people were saved by works in the Old Testament under the Mosaic law. Acts 10:43 exposes Dr. Ruckman as a liar! Having said that, I 100% support Peter Ruckman's efforts to expose the Satanic Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort corrupt 1881 text, upon which all of the Devil's modern bibles are based. Only the inspired King James Bible stands alone, which is NOT based upon Westcott and Hort's junk Alexandrian manuscript (it was found in the city of Alexandria, Egypt).

Also, my friend Pastor Max D. Younce does a superb job exposing the evils of Westcott and Hort. If you'd like to hear the entire MP3 Bible series by Dr. Younce, here it is. GOOD STUFF!!! I am thankful that God is using a humble, broken, nobody, sinner like me to help people for Jesus Christ. That is all I have ever wanted since I got saved at age 13. At age 15, in church one day, I surrendered my life to serve God for the rest of my life. At age 18 I went off to Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993), where God changed my life and prepared me for my lifetime ministry, under the beautiful mentorship of Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), my hero of the Christian faith. I thank God for that wonderful opportunity.

Sadly, the PCC camp is nothing like Hyles-Anderson College (HAC)when I attended. At HAC, Dr. Hyles refused to put teachers into the classrooms, he wanted PREACHERS in all the classrooms. Pastor Hyles only wanted men who were actively invo0lved in bus ministries, prison ministries or some type of soulwinning endeavor. In sharp contrast, PCC has academic types in the classrooms, yuppies, salary-suckers, who aren't zealous soulwinners. When I attended Campus Church at PCC for a few months in 2021, I never heard the word “soulwinning” mentioned even one time! That is pathetic!!! Sadly, they don't have an aggressive soulwinning ministry at Pensacola Christian College. Their main thing is making money from education.

When I attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam in 2018, their pastor Sean Quinlan (a PCC intern pastor) refused to contend for the faith. During the time that I attended that church, Pastor Quinlan admitted to me that he doesn't know one thing wrong with the Devil's modern bibles. That doesn't surprise me, because that is the shameful attitude of the entire PCC camp. They don't care about fighting the good fight of faith at PCC. I didn't write this blog to attack anybody, God knows my heart; but rather, to continue to raise awareness to the apostasy going on in our churches and the shameful Bible colleges that mistrain their pastors. 

Case in point: Over 97% of today's Bible colleges and preacher's seminaries deny that we have an inspired perfect Holy Bible today. That is inexcusable!!! Instead, they all falsely claim that only the original autographs of the Word of God were inspired. Unfortunately, none of the those originals exist anymore today, which means (if they are correct) that we don't have God's Word. I refuse to believe that our omnipotent God, who created the universe by the mere Word of His mouth in a moment of time, and that this same incredible God who will one day reanimate every dead and departed cell of our body into a new glorified body (Philippians 3:21), is incapable of preserving His perfectly inspired Words for every generation (Psalms 12:6-7 - cited only from King James Bible, because all modern bibles corrupt this passage).

I am not the bad guy for preaching THE TRUTH. I am your friend. I am the preacher's friend. I am the pastor's friend. I am the church's friend. Why? It is because I am TELLING THE TRUTH!!! God's Word is TRUTH (John 17:17). Jesus is TRUTH (John 14:6). Romans 3:4 promises that God is on my side as long as I preach THE TRUTH.

I had promised both the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, and as well the Campus Church at PCC, that if I could simply come back to attend church, that I would remove all my criticisms from social media and not out them back. Sadly, they all refused, which blows my mind. It just shows how arrogant these religious men are, with their misplaced egos and petty prejudices. I have a hard time understanding how any so-called “man of God” could deny a hurting man, who is apologetic and willing to make peace, the right to merely sit in church. Go figure!

Wow, they must really be intimated by me. Telling THE TRUTH is the fastest way to get kicked out of church and recommended for therapy. In truth, all of those terrible pastors are the ones who need a lot of therapy. They ought to be fired, the sooner the better! 1st Kings 18:21, “And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.”

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