Monday, October 11, 2021

Defending Right Doctrine Will Bring You Persecution

2nd Timothy 3:12, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”

My hero and mentor of the Christian faith is Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001). I do not idolize men, I only worship the Lord Jesus Christ. I have had ungodly pastors in the shameful Bob Jones University (BJU) cult accuse me of “worshipping a man” because I love to share and promote Pastor Jack Hyles' books, sermons, quotes and life's philosophies. Yet, those same ungodly BJU apostates hypocritically share and promote books, sermons and quotes by Dr. John MacArthur and other infidels of the faith.

It was in late 2014 that the ungodly pastors of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam unjustly accused me of “worshipping Jack Hyles. They unjustly accused me and Brother Hyles of being a cult for upholding the King James Bible as the inspired Word of God, and because myself and Pastor Hyles expose the Devil's modern revisions as being utterly corrupt.

Dear reader, anytime that you contend for the Christian faith you will be persecuted. Sadly, my harshest criticisms and persecution has not been from ungodly unbelievers, but from fellow Baptists and the religious crowd. You'd think that pastors would appreciate when someone tells them THE TRUTH, but that is not what usually happens. Sadly, 99% of pastors reject and resent when you give them THE TRUTH. Such was the case when I befriended the pastors at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. They were guilty of preaching another gospel of Calvinism. They were guilty of using and promoting the Devil's Bible revisions. They were guilty of promoting Martin Luther (1483-1546) as a born-again Christian, even after I proved to them that Luther required water baptism for salvation all his life. Instead of thanking me for caring about them, they critiqued me and forced me out of their church. They sided with evil and error, rejecting THE TRUTH that I graciously put right into their incompetent hands.

Dear reader, if you stand for what is right, and struggle (contend) for the faith once delivered unto the saints, you will suffer persecution from the religious crowd. There is not a more rotten, corrupt and wicked religious group today than Bob Jones University and their complicit alumni. Calvinism is a cesspool of Calvinism heresy and damnable lies of Satan. Come what may, I am going to continue to REBUKE THEM SHARPLY as the Bible commands us to do as God's children (Titus 1:10-13).

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