Wednesday, September 25, 2024

I Stand By The Inspired King James Bible

2nd Corinthians 2:17, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.”

I stand by the KING JAMES BIBLE. It is God’s PERFECT inspired word in English.

When a false bible says that salvation (going to Heaven) is difficult or hard in Matthew 7:14 (NLT, ESV, NKJV, Amplified, CSB, HCSB, CEV, GNT, NET, NRSV), then I have a MAJOR problem with that, because going to Heaven is NOT hard. Eterna life is a free gift from God, and the old adage is 100% true: Once Saved Always Saved (OSAS).

When a false bible changes verses like 1st Timothy 3:16 and Acts 7:59, which prove Scripturally that Jesus is God (NIV, NLT, ESV, NASV, Amplified, CSB, HCSB, ASV, GNT, NET, NRSV), then I have a MAJOR problem because Jesus is God!

When a false bible changes “h
ell to grave or realm of the dead in Psalm 9:17 (NIV, NLT, CEV, GNT, GWT, ISV), I have a MAJOR problem because false religions like Jehovah’s Witness believe that Hell is the grave. But Hell is NOT the grave, Hell is real, and Hell has eternal FIRE. Although the Old Testament word “Sheol” simply referred to the Realm of the Dead, it in no way excluded the reality of Hell. We see this clearly in passages such as Psalm 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” If Hell merely means the grave, then this verse makes no sense, because why would the wicked and the righteous go to the same place? The Bible makes it clear that the wicked and the righteous DO NOT go to the same place when they die. The wicked go to suffer in Hell forever, but the righteous unto life eternal in Heaven. These new Devil's bibles are corrupt.

When a false bible uses the Hebrew word “Sheol” 
for Hell in Psalm 9:17, instead of the English word hell (ESV, NASV, Amplified, CSB, HCSB, ASV, ERV, NAB, NET, NRSV, Young’s Literal Translation), I have a MAJOR problem with that because the false bibles never use the Hebrew or Greek word for Heaven. So why do it for Hell? They clearly have an agenda to deny eternal damnation.

When a false bible uses the Greek word “Hades” 
for Hell in Luke 16:23, instead of the English word hell (NIV, ESV, NKJV, NASV, Amplified, CSB, HCSB, ASV, ERV, GWT, NRSV, Young’s Literal Translation), I have a MAJOR problem with that because the false bibles never use the Hebrew or Greek word for Heaven. So why do it for Hell? Again, they clearly have an agenda to deny eternal damnation.

When a false bible removes the important word begotten from John 3:16 (and other passages), I have a serious problem with that because Jesus is not God's ONLY SON; Jesus is God's only BEGOTTEN SON! John 1:12 says every saint is an adopted son of God. Romans 8:15 says, “whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” Every born again believer is an adopted son of God, but Jesus is the only “begotten (biological) Son of almighty God, which makes Jesus God. The Devil has successfully removed Jesus' deity from the modern perverse bible revisions. This is one big reason why I continue to stand by the KING JAMES BIBLE.

When a false bible removes 
of them which are saved from Revelation 21:24 (NIV, NLT, ESV, NASV, CSB, HCSB, ASV, CEV, ERV, GWT, GNT, ISV, NAB, NET, NRSV), I have a MAJOR problem with that because Revelation 22:19 says, And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. If a lost person deliberately and intentionally takes away from the words of the book of Revelation, I believe it is effectively the same as denying Christ, because Jesus is THE WORD OF GOD (Revelation 19:13).

You can be KING JAMES BIBLE Only, and still not be the preacher that God wants you to be; but you cannot be the preacher God wants you to be, and not be KING JAMES BIBLE Only! There are good preachers who are not KJV Only, but they are not the preachers whom God wants them to be.

Someone said that analysis comes pretty close to being Pharisaical. If standing up for the inspired Word of God almost makes me a Pharisee, then so be it. Amen. God loves you and I do too. I love you enough to tell you THE TRUTH. If you don't have a KING JAMES BIBLE, then you don't have an inspired Holy Bible friend. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

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I Stand By The Inspired King James Bible

2nd Corinthians 2:17, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak ...