Monday, March 11, 2024

Foolish Pastor Thinks Exposing Devil's Bibles Is A Needless Debate

Revelation 3:1-2, “And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.”

Titus 2:13-14, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”

I recently heard a pastor say something that bothered me. He said that Christians ought not get into needless arguments, debates and controversies over things that don't matter in the church. Sadly, this particular pastor doesn't think believers should waste time debating over which Bible to use. He errantly thinks it is counterproductive to the church to contend over such needless shallow issues. Kindly said, that pastor is foolish!

Every preacher has a duty before God to expose evil, to warn people about spiritually dangerous things that can harm them and their loved ones. I am so sick and tired of the ungodly cult at Pensacola Christian College (PCC), who exert an ungodly adverse influence upon churches worldwide. PCC's incompetent leaders and Campus Church pastors have an in credible amount of influence upon thousands of churches today, through the influence of their bad graduates. PCC does not contend for the Christian faith! PCC are so busy sitting on the premises, that they refuse to stand on the promises.

Get mad at me if you want to, but somebody needs to speak up for God. We've got a bunch of lazy passive pastors today who merely want to play church. PCC has ruined thousands of pastors, who like PCC refuse to get their hands dirty contending for the faith. I have been kicked out of multiple churches for merely befriending the pastor with THE TRUTH. Dr. Jack Hyles was so right, who said: Unsought advice is seldom taken and usually resented.

I am used to being given dirty looks by pastors, church members, pastor's wives and other cult supporters who are upset that I would dare to question their almighty pastor's teachings. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? By nature people are man-worshippers! That is why there are over 16,000,000 hellbound Mormons today! That is why there are over 1,200,000,000 hellbound Roman Catholics today! That is why there are over 22,000,000 hellbound Seventh-Day Adventists today! SDA's preach hardcore Lordship Salvation, redefining faith to mean obeying all the commandments of God. That is wrong! Biblically faith is what you bet your life on. Faith is resting entirely in something. Bible faith is simply believing that Jesus did it all for you. That is, receiving Christ's sacrifice on the cross as full payment for your sins, believing that He is risen today.

Dear reader, please take a look at the following disturbing images. Truly a picture is worth 1,000 words. ...

I could show you hundreds of such corruptions in the modern Bible revisions. The only inspired Words of God today are found in the King James Bible. I cannot warn you enough to avoid the modern Devil's bibles! Look what the modern Bible revisions do to pervert Psalms 12:6-7. Look what they do to pervert Matthew 8:2. Look what they do to pervert 1st Timothy 3:16. It matters which Bible that we use. It really does! These hundreds of new English Bible perversions are doctrinally corrupt, misleading and they'll prevent you from being born-again.

God knows that I love pastors! I love Bible preachers! But I love God first and foremost, and I love the truth of God's Word more than I do pastors and churches. Psalms 97:10 commands all believers who love the Lord to hate evil. The modern English Bible revisions are evil, as I have just shown you. Attacking and diminishing the deity of Jesus is evil. Changing what it means to “repent is evil. Removing the word “begotten” from John 3:16 is evil. Jesus is the only biological (begotten) Son of God, but every saint is an adopted son of God (John 1:12-13; Romans 8:15). So to remove the word “begotten” from John 3:16 turns God's Word into a lie.

Why would any pastor make light of what Satan is doing to corrupt the Holy Bible? Why don't pastors today care? God told the prophet Ezekiel to stand upon the wall as a faithful Watchman and warn the people. Every preacher has a divine duty to warn people of coming judgment, Hell and damnation. Sadly, the vast majority of pastors today are no better than Joel Osteen, a Twinkie who just wants to tiptoe through the tulips each Sunday in his sermonettes.

Like The Apostle Paul, I Am Hated For Telling The Truth In Churches

The Apostle Paul made religious people angry for telling them THE TRUTH. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? I know exactly how Paul felt. I was scolded, shunned and banned from attending the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I will never stop crying out for justice until God avenges me! They shed my innocent blood, depriving me of my church family for several years, all because I befriended them as a true friend does with the truth. Pastor Jack Hyles said that it was wicked neo-evangelicals who ruthlessly attached him, family, friends and ministry in 1989.

Likewise, it has been the ungodly neo-evangelical cults at Bob Jones University (BJU), Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, Pensacola Christian College (PCC), their ungodly Campus Church, and other wicked apostates today who are my bitterest ministry enemies. They are all in big trouble to God for rejecting the truth. Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

After I got saved in 1980 at age 13, I misunderstood this passage for a long time. I only read the first part of the verse, which says that God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. But I hadn't read the rest of the verse until several years ago. Carefully notice that God's people intentionally rejected that knowledge. Also please notice that this verse is speaking about their Jewish priests (the religious leaders). It was their religious leaders (their pastors) who deliberately rejected God's knowledge. The people were destroyed because of their wicked irresponsible pastors!!!

We see this same flagrant bad attitude among many pastors today. When a laymen tries to tell his pastor of his duty to warn people about the Devil's counterfeit Bibles, those pastors get offended and angry, and show you where the exit door is located. So, I keep my mouth shut today when I go to churches, because I know I would be shown the exit door. I've had it happen to me four times in my lifetime at different churches. Those ungodly pastors are all in big trouble with the Lord for rejecting the truth. Just like in Old Testament Jerusalem in the 6th century BC, religious leaders today in 2024 are to blame for rejecting knowledge (the truth). 

You simply cannot tell today's haughty, arrogant, pompous, stiff-necked and incompetent pastors anything, because they will become greatly offended. They will tell you that their preaching is none of your business, and that if you don't like the way things are done in the church, you can leave and don't come back. Shame on those type of pastors, who have a take it or leave it bad attitude toward human beings. Everyone should be wanted.

A godly pastor will thank and appreciate a man who tells him the truth, if done in a respectful way. If someone kindly told me as a pastor that I should be warning people about something, I'd ask them for more information, so I could look into it. I wouldn't let people interfere with my preaching, but I would give sincere consideration to their words. But I would never show someone the door and suggest that they leave the church. 

And shame on any pastor to whom a layman needs to approach him, because that pastor is not preaching against heresy, false prophets, falsehoods and sin that ruins lives and send lost sinners to Hell forever. Do we really care as Bible preachers? Do we really care as God's children? One of the biggest problems that I see in churches and Bible colleges today are the hordes of pastors and religious leaders that just don't give a damn. It is wickedness!!!

I am talking about the hellhole at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) in Pensacola, Florida. I am talking about the hellhole at Bob Jones University (BJU) in Greenville, South Carolina. I am talking about the hellhole at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I am talking about the hellhole at the Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa. I am talking about the hellhole at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

Shame On Pensacola Christian College

Every pastor, chaplain, evangelist, Bible professor and church laymen should be exposing the Devil's corrupt Bible revisions, by warning others about them. SHAME! I said, SHAME, on Pensacola Christian College for not contending for the faith. Revelation 3:1-2, “And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.” The churches are pathetic today!

The bad Bible colleges, like PCC, are mostly to blame for the failing churches, for lacking the zeal and concern to properly prepare young people for the work of God. We have too many full-time idiots laboring ineffectively for God in the ministry today. Where are the 7,000 who have not bowed their knee to Baal? Sadly, most pastors today are incompetent fools. Over 90% of pastors today are wrong on repentance, and therefore wrong on the Gospel. You cannot get to Heaven without being born-again, and you cannot receive the new birth if you have been deceived by a corrupt plan of salvation that requires more than faith in the Gospel.

PCC are spiritually dead. They are wrong on repentance, wrong on the Gospel, and they mistreat many people, as they gave horribly done to me. I'm not even allowed to attend their Campus Church, because their pastors are proud arrogant religious punks. I detest their self-righteousness at PCC. They blocked me out on Facebook for Campus Church and PCC. PCC's enemies are my friends! If I had my way, PCC would no longer exist. We're living in a wicked generation of spoiled brats involved in God's work, who are sympathetic to abusive fundamentalist institutions like PCC and BJU that abuse people, socially murder anyone who dares to oppose their false teachings, and follow the BITE model of authoritarian cult abuse.

PCC are foolish to make enemies. God knows that I sincerely tried to be friends with them in 2021 and 2022, but that is like trying to become friends with a rattlesnake. They have so many followers at PCC that they've grown the big head, throwing anybody under the bus who in the slightest way offends their godlike egos. God's curse is upon the house of the wicked. PCC's false Gospel cannot be compensated by all their superficial religious window dressing.

Fighting over the inspiration and purity of God's Word is NOT a shallow, needless or trifle matter to be reckoned with. Pastor Jack Hyles rightly saw the matter as: “THE BATTLE OF THE AGES.” To the average knucklehead pastor today the issue is not even worth talking about it over a cup of coffee. William Tyndale (1494-1536) was willing to be burned at the stake over the Holy Bible. At age 42 Tyndale was burned to death for translating the Holy Bible in 1525. At the time the Roman Catholic church controlled England. Tyndale was trying to produce a true translation of the Word of God that didn't promote the Satanic Catholic cult. He was martyred for his efforts. Thank God for William Tyndale.

Lord, open the eyes of pastors today!

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