Sunday, February 12, 2023

Is There A Specific Version Of The King James Bible That We Should Use?

2nd Timothy 3:16-17, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

Someone asked me a question this week: "Is there a specific version of the King James Bible that we should use?"

My humble answer is: No, although some people say there is. I wrote an article to expose the arrogant Cambridge Press, for claiming that they own the King James Bible.

In fact, NO ONE except God owns the King James Bible. There is no copyright, proven by the fact that anybody can print King James Bibles in their basement and no one can legally do anything about it. God's Word cannot be copyrighted. Psalms 119:89, "For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven."

As far as which King James Bible to use, there have been no additional translations of the King James Bible since the original was completed in 1611. It took 54 scholarly men 8 years to complete this masterpiece of literature, as commissioned by the King of England. However, there have been several editions to update the archaic English language.

Humans make mistakes. I have heard some ignoramous pastors try to prove that the King James Bible is not inspired, by showing that some Bibles says "he" and others "she" in a particular passage, but these are typos by the publishers, and not errors in God's Word. Wisdom and common sense tell us that an error on man's part does not constitute an error on God's part.

In my humble opinion, all of the King James Bibles are fine to use (regardless of the edition). Some crazies will argue that the Cambridge editions are the only truly authorized versions, but that is hogwash. A King James Bible is a King James Bible. If someone think that theirs has some typos in it, then go buy another one.

My humble opinion is that whatever edition of the King James Bible that you choose to use, it is still God's inspired Word. Just because one edition capitalizes a certain word and the next doesn't, in no way means that one is superior to the other. These are manmade debates, opinions and preferences.

Albeit, we know that ALL of the modern perversions which are based upon the corrupt Greek text of Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort from the 19th century are of the Devil. Their corrupt Greek text was released to the world in 1881. Even the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses love the perverse Greek of Westcott and Hort, which their founder Charles Taze Russell based his demonic New World Translation (NWT) upon.

I like what Pastor Jack Hyles said: "The King James is not a 'version,' it is THE BIBLE!"

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