Monday, September 26, 2022

One Day In Eternity God Is Going To Vindicate My Bible Preaching

Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

I love that Bible verse! The Holy Bible promises that when we are judged in eternity, our sayings (i.e., words, writings, Bible translating, preaching, teachings) will be vindicated if what we have said agrees with God's Word. But all these lying pastors today who preach the Devil's fraud of Lordship Salvation, will be sorry and regret what they have spoken, suffering the vengeance of God almighty. Proverbs 30:5-6, “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”

I can name at least four churches that I have been forced out of, criticized by, and banned from returning by their ungodly neo-evangelical heathen pastors. Telling THE TRUTH makes enemies!!!

Tragically, pastors are no longer standing anymore! They don't care, that is the problem. What they all do care about is their paychecks! It is sad. Truly, the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10-12). Whenever money becomes a necessity, compromise is inevitable! Whereas adversity has ruined some men, prosperity has destroyed a hundred times more! 

At the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam I was called their “enemy” by Pastor Marty Herron. He called me their ENEMY because I befriended them with THE TRUTH, as a true friend does. I showed them that Lordship Salvation is a perversion of the Gospel, which they were wickedly preaching. Marty Herron as the incompetent senior pastor of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam between 199 and 2018. He sadly ran the church into the ground, bringing in the Devil's dozens of corrupt Bible revisions. Herron brought in false prophets like John MacArthur, Ray Comfort, Paul Washer and other hellbound infidels, misleading and spiritually hurting the church members.

When I attended Harvest for one year between 2013 to 2014, they were sinfully preaching the heresy that, and I quote: “It is not enough to admit that you are a sinner to get to Heaven, you must also turn away from a lifestyle of sinning!” Those are Pastor Marty Herron's exact words!!! I was sitting there on Sunday morning, in church in 2014, when he said them to hundreds of people! Kindly said, Pastor Herron is a theological liar, and I told him so! There is absolutely nothing in the Gospel which the Apostle Paul teaches in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 about turning away from sinful behavior to be saved. That is works! Jesus came to die on the cross for our sins, not demand that we first reform our sinful ways (as a requirement to receive God's free gift of eternal life by faith alone in Jesus Christ).

When I attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam in 2018, their shameful pastor Sean Quinlan (a Pensacola Christian College intern pastor) rebuked me for my zeal to expose the Devil's false Bible revisions. Quinlan lashed out against me when I told someone that “Bob Jones University (BJU) sells corruptible seed.” Pastor Quinlan was angry at me for exposing the rotten Bob Jones camp, with their Devil's Bibles and Calvinism (aka, Lordship Salvation).

Pastor Jack Hyles preached a wonderful sermon in 1994 titled: “The Battle Of The Ages” based upon Genesis 3:15 in the Bible. In this important doctrine positional sermon, Dr. Hyles explains that the Devil is the father of all the modern corruptible seed (counterfeit Bible versions). God started this battle between the serpent's seed (corruptible seed), versus Jesus Christ (Eve's seed). The battle rages on today between the Word of God (Christ - John 1:1-3, 14; Revelation 19:13), verses Satan's seed (corrupt Bibles - Genesis 3:1).

Sadly, the rotten institution at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is spiritually in bed with the BJU camp, coddling them in their damnable false doctrine instead of “rebuking them sharply” as the Holy Bible commands in Titus 1:13-14, “This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” For horribly incompetent pastors (like Jeff Redlin and Timothy Zacharias at PCC's Campus Church), to refuse to expose the demonic Bob Jones University camp is apostasy!!! Since 2014, I have been faithfully preaching again, exposing, rebuking sharply and doing everything in my power to prayerfully get the Bob Jones crowd to repent of their wickedness, but they aren't listening. They refuse to stop using, selling and promoting the Devil's corrupt Bible revisions. Take a look at how corrupt the English Standard Version (ESV) really is

Today's pastors are asleep at the wheel, driving irresponsibly all over the road, dangerously risking people's lives with their reckless endangerment from pulpits all across America! Nobody has as much responsibility than the spiritual leader who stands up over the people to teach them. When I attended the Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College in 2021, Timothy Zacharias arrogantly stood behind the pulpit and boldly preached heresy concerning repentance. The date was July 21, 2022. Assistant pastor Zacharias got up and told a thousand people that, and I quote: “Repentance is a change of mind which results in a change of behavior.” That is a lie. Timothy Zacharias was inspired by demons when he made that heretical statement!!!

In fact, getting born-again has NOTHING to do with behavior modification. Listen, when a sinner get saved, they only automatically receive one thing—the free gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit (1st John 3:24; Romans 8:9; 1st Corinthians 3:16-17). I contacted senior pastor Jeff Redlin the next day. Tragically, he fully agreed with the utter heresy taught the night before by Tim Zacharias. Folks, these pastors are corrupt theologically. They have been adversely influenced by the Bob Jones crowd that they having been laying down with! Whosoever lays down with dogs will get fleas and ticks!!! The PCC camp has spiritual ticks and fleas, infested from sleeping with the damnable infidels at Bob Jones University (and the BJU cesspool of iniquity at the Harvest Baptist Church cult on Guam). These corrupt religious groups are bathed in Lordship Salvation and the Devil's perverted Bibles. 2nd John 1:11 warns, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”

Pastor Redlin is guilty of preaching Lordship Salvation. That is what the Bible says in 2nd John 1:11. By supporting the ungodly BJU camp, PCC is just as guilty. PCC has much blood on their hands, for going along to get along with damnable false prophets to make money. PCC doesn't want to contend for the faith (Jude 1:3). PCC doesn't want to suffer reproach for the name of Christ. PCC doesn't want to be put outside the gate with Jesus.

Instead, they meet at PCC three times a week to sing religious music, play church, go through the lame motions of a religious cult, while the world goes to Hell unwarned. The city of Pensacola is going to Hell, while PCC hides behind closed doors in their cult. I speak THE TRUTH!!! PCC is all about making money. They are cold-hearted academics who couldn't' care less about hurting people. God never called us as Christians to educate the world. He commanded us to PREACH THE GOSPEL (Matthew 28:19-20). PCC majors on secular education, but minors on Bible soulwinning!!! Luke 8:11-15 teaches that God's goal for every believer is to become a SOULWINNER, not an educator or nurse. SHAME on PCC!!!

In all of these horrible organizations that I have mentioned, I have been blackballed at them all. I have been banned from returning! I have an email dated August 2, 2022 from Pastor Jeff Redlin, cruelly informing me that I am not allowed to attend Campus Church at PCC. I pray to God that He would remove Pastor Redlin and bring in a genuine man of God. Jeff Redlin is a wicked opportunist, not a caring man of God. No true pastor, who walks close to God, would ever deny someone permission to attend church. Only a private religious cult does that!!! Thus, I plan to continue exposing these ungodly evildoers. SHAME on PCC for bidding Godspeed to the Bob Jones University camp and their ungodly complicit graduates.

  • Pastor Marty Herron banned me from attending Harvest Baptist Church on Guam.
  • Pastor Gary Walton banned me from attending Harvest Baptist Church on Guam.
  • Pastors Jeff Redlin and Tim Zacharias banned me from attending Campus Church at PCC.
  • PCC leadership supported Jeff Redlin's decision, doing nothing as they banned me from attending Campus Church. Now we are bitter enemies, but God is on my side because I have only spoken THE TRUTH.
When I attended Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993), Pastor Jack Hyles taught me to be loyal to truth and principles, and not to men or institutions. Well, Jeff Redlin and Tim Zacharias are loyal to the institution of PCC. I am loyal to THE TRUTH! Look at the damnable heresy being preached by infidel Dr. Steve Pettit at BJU. PCC endorses this! PCC will tell you that it is none of our business what goes on at BJU or Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. But that is as wicked as Hell, because it is very much our business what cults are teaching in the community. At PCC they would never preach against Roman Catholicism, Mormons, Buddhists, et cetera. They want to train nurses, engineers, law enforcement, computer science, et cetera, while playing church and sitting on the premises instead of standing on the promises. Deadbeat pastors like Sean Quinlan, Timothy Zacharias, Gary Walton and Jeff Redlin are sending America to Hell!!! RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

All of these apostates that I have just mentioned couldn't care less about false doctrine. They are so caught up in running the business of their religious cults, that contending for the faith doesn't matter anymore. Pastor Curtis Hutson (1934-1995) knew that Lordship Salvation is a gross deadly perversion of the Gospel. All I have done for the past 20 years of my website ministry is PREACH THE TRUTH!!! Consequently, my biggest critics and enemies are church pastors. Go figure! They are envious of me, because the high standards that I preach make them feel like failures:
  • I uplift only the inspired King James Bible, while most Baptist pastors deny that the King James Bible is even inspired.
  • I uplift using only the inspired King James Bible, while neo-evangelicals unsaved pastor like Chuck Phelps and Marty Herron (part of the cult at Bob Jones University) and ungodly churches wickedly embrace and use the Devil's Bible perversions, corrupting naïve people who trust and follow them to destruction.
  • I preach only a free grace Gospel, exposing the Devil's lies of Lordship Salvation (i.e.,, Calvinism), and the Devil's lie that you must turn away from your sinning to get to Heaven. These ungodly false teachers in the Southern Baptist Convention, and at Bob Jones University cult, and the rotten harvest Baptist Church on Guam, et cetera, all despise, reject and shun me away because I have come out uncompromisingly against them all. I love what Evangelist Billy Sunday (1862-1935) said:
"I've stood for more sneers and scoffs and insults and had my life threatened from one end of the land to the other by this God-forsaken gang of thugs and cutthroats because I have come out uncompromisingly against them." —Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
I have been cruelly rejected, shunned, scorned, ridiculed, laughed at, belittled, reprimanded and told to leave Baptist churches because I TOLD THE TRUTH. I was cruelly called “obsessed over the Bible issue” by Pastor Sean Quinlan at the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam. I was mistreated, abused, thrown under the bus, left for dead, depressed, cut to the heart, and banned from attending the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for several years. I finally left Guam in frustration. Pastor Marty Herron cruelly called me their churches “enemy” because I TOLD THE TRUTH. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

When I begged Pastor Herron in 2017 to please let me attend their church, because I loved their nurse and wanted to marry her, he told me cruelly to, in his exact words: “Go elsewhere. I pray that God would take away Marty's wife, so he could feel my pain that he caused. Kristen would have married me, if it weren't for that ungodly, rotten, selfish, neo-evangelical infidel for a shameful pastor. God will avenge me, I have His promise (Romans 12:19-21; Matthew 12:36; Ecclesiastes 12:14; Galatians 1:6-9, 5:4, 6:7). Kindly said, Marty Herron is the hellbound fool in Matthew 7:21-23 who served Christ as “Lord, Lord,” but he never did God's will (John 6:40). Satan's greatest weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without ever being born-again. That is what Judas did, one of Christ's very apostles!

I have suffered inexplicable emotional trauma since 2014 with a deeply broken heart, because although I befriended all the aforementioned pastors and churches with THE TRUTH, they murdered the prophet!!! I am banned from attending Campus Church in Pensacola, because ungodly pastors' Jeff Redlin and Tim Zacharias have elevated themselves above God almighty, deciding in their haughty pride who matters and who doesn't. With God ALL LIVES MATTER, but at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) only SOME LIVES MATTER!!! The cult system always comes first at PCC, individual people do not matter.

For years now I have been ridiculed, ignored, laughed at, mistreated, shunned, called crazy and bullied by ungodly church pastors. These bad pastors are either guilty of corrupting the inspired Word of God themselves, or of wickedly bidding Godspeed to those false prophets who do. Jeff Redlin, Sean Quinlan and Tim Zacharias all sinfully bid Godspeed to the corrupt unsaved Bob Jones University gang. BJU supports Pastor John MacArthur, the biggest threat to Baptist churches in the world.

You see, none of these pastors care enough to take a stand as I am doing. I CARE!!! I am just a nobody, but I am humbly a hero! By the very definition of the word I am a hero, that is, somebody who rescues someone. The churches of Galatia hated the Apostle Paul, counting him as their enemy (Galatians 4:16). At one time Paul said they would have plucked out their own eyes to give him, if they could (Galatians 4:15). I think it is obvious that Paul had poor vision. Yet these people in the churches who would have done anything to help Paul at one time, were now despising him for TELLING THE TRUTH that they has been duped by a cult.

I have been TELLING THE TRUTH to Harvest Baptist Church on Guam since 2014—THE TRUTH that Pastor Marty Herron is an unsaved false prophet and liar, that John MacArthur is a false prophet and liar, that the modern Bibles revisions are of the Devil and corrupt, that repentance in the Bible regarding salvation does not mean to give up your sinful lifestyle, and that Martin Luther (1483-1546) was not a born-again Christian because he taught the heresy of Baptismal Regeneration (that you must be water baptized to be saved) all his life.

I have been TELLING THE TRUTH all these many years, yet for being the only one who did the right thing at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, I was excommunicated and ostracized permanently. I lost the potential wife who liked me, and me her, but Pastor Marty Herron threw me under the bus and went his merry ungodly way to Iowa. I pray earnestly for God to avenge me! I TOLD THE TRUTH! I did the right thing. And for it my life was ruined. I lost my church family. I hadn't been so happy in several years, that I had a church family, but then Pastor Herron took it all away from me, as he played the Devil's advocate. I wept and wept for years to come, having no church family, all because that wicked pastor refused to repent of his false repentance to be saved. Listen to what Pastor Curtis Hutson rightly said...

Pastor Curtis Hutson On The Repent Of Sins HERESY

One of the biggest lies being told today all across America is that modern preachers have left off repentance. These lying neo-evangelicals, errantly claim that the old-time preachers required people to turn away from living in sin to be saved. They falsely claim that free grace preachers like Curtis Hutson (1934-1995), Jack Hyles (1926-2001), Yankee Arnold, Steven Anderson, Max Younce, Hank Lindstrom (1940-2008) and myself are false prophets, wrongly accusing us of leaving off repentance in God's plan of salvation. THE TRUTH is that we very much DO believe and teach the need for repentance in salvation, but we view repentance as a simple change of mind unto the Gospel itself, which is Biblical.

Anyone who says that “to repent means more than a simple change of mind” (Greek noun: metanoia) is a liar. Repentance does NOT mean forsaking a lifestyle of sinning. It does NOT mean to give up the old sinful ways, nor to live a lifestyle of repentance (Ray Comfort's heresy). God knows that I do not hate any of these people, but my heart is sad that they rejected THE TRUTH, and me along with it. God will hold them accountable.

Dear reader, if the Lord Jesus Christ doesn't care about our doctrinal differences as religious people, then:
  1. Why does the inspired Holy Bible command us to rebuke them sharply who corrupt the Gospel (Titus 1:9-14)?
  2. Why does the inspired Holy Bible teach us in Jude 1:3, “that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints”?
  3. Why does the Holy Bible command us in Ephesians 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them”?
RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS to God!!! So when I heard Pastor Marty Herron preaching the Devil's fraud of Lordship Salvation, I prayed for him, and I bought hundreds of dollars of books with my own money to help him to see THE TRUTH. One of the books that I handed him was “I Never Knew You by Michael P. Bowen (this is the free online.PDF format version). The pastors of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam resented the book, and me for handing it to them. 

After church on a Sunday night, the pastors son-in-law invited me over to their house the next night on Monday for dinner. I was so happy. I instantly said, Yes, I am coming!” I then handed him a hardcopy of I Never Knew You by Michael P. Bowen, because I cared and wanted to help Harvest's pastors see THE TRUTH. The next day I waited all day for them to call me, but no one ever did. I waited all night. At 11 pm I was still standing in front of my place, because they lived right across the street. I cried in sadness that the book I had given them, THE TRUTH, caused them to hate and despise me, breaking their invitation to come over for dinner. God knows that I just wanted to be a blessing, but they counted me as their enemy for TELLING THE TRUTH. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

My former wife divorced me in 2006. I have lived alone ever since. So I have been very lonely all these years. It is not every day that anyone invites me over for dinner. So when the pastor's son-in-law dissed me, and his wife, my heart was broken. When Kristen Hurlburt dissed me, when I asked her if I court court her for marriage, because her ungodly boss Marty Herron coerced her, my heart was broken. I have been hurt so much, so deeply, again and again—all because I TOLD THE TRUTH about a free grace Gospel, I TOLD THE TRUTH about the Devil's modern Bible perversions, I TOLD THE TRUTH about the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation, I TOLD THE TRUTH that Bible repentance for salvation doesn't mean to turn away from sinful behavior, I TOLD THE TRUTH that Martin Luther went to Hell in his heresy of Sacramental Salvation, and I TOLD THE TRUTH that Dr. John MacArthur is a false prophet for teaching that children cannot be saved. For TELLING THE TRUTH, my life was ruined by the ungodly pastors of the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam.

And now here I am living in the city of Pensacola, but they ungodly horrible pastors of Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College, refuse to allow me to attend Campus Church. If you visit Harvest Baptist Church on Guam's KHMG 88.1 FM radio station website, you'll find Jeff Redlin's website. PCC is in bed with the BJU camp, fornicating with Harvest Baptist Church. Since Harvest still hates, ridicules and shuns me, so does the backslidden PCC camp. Their shameful pastors and arrogant leaders at PCC are ungodly!!! What saith the Scripture? Proverbs 16:5, “Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.”

Birds of a feather flock together! The entire rotten BJU and PCC camp are committing spiritual adultery, all in the common interest of making more filthy lucre (lots of MONEY). Jeff Redlin and Gary Walton both get paid 6-digit outrageous salaries. So they don't want a TRUTH-TELLER like me around. I long for the day in eternity when heads roll. Pastor Jeff Redlin is in big trouble with God, for criticizing my website ministry instead of commending me for telling THE TRUTH.

You see, Pastor Jeff Redlin is a coward who refuses to get his hands dirty. He would never speak a word against PCC's partners in spiritual crime at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (a cesspool of corrupt BJU graduates). These people wickedly support each other, working together as parasites to milk people of their hard-earned dollars, spreading their lame shallow type of phony Christianity, singing worldly Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) without contending for the faith, and there is no public door-to-door soulwinning. Nobody gives a damn at PCC or BJU about false doctrine!!! Instead, they are guilty of preaching it!!!

I know that one day in eternity that my preaching will be vindicated. I know because what I write and say agrees with God's inspired Word. Anything other than a free grace Gospel is a lie. John MacArthur is an unsaved heretic, whom the BJU camp are following. Sadly, Paul Chappell is also supporting him. And now Pastor Scott Gray is supporting Paul Chappell. Folks, prosperity has ruined these pastors. When a pastor starts taking vacations to Israel (e.g., Scott Gray), and hobnobbing with big name pastors (Paul Chappell and John MacArthur), he is well nigh hopeless.

The next thing that happens is that these church starts singing worldly CCM songs, they start easing up on critiquing the corrupt Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort based Bible perversions, they stop preaching hard against homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda, et cetera. In the year 1881, two unsaved Anglican ministers named Westcott and Hort wrote their own new Greek Bible. It is upon this corrupt Greek that every Bible version today is either based, or influenced, except the authorized 1611 King James Bible.

The ONLY Bible we can trust today is the King James Bible. It may be harder to understand, but at least you won't be misled to believe a lie in one of the Devil's corrupted Bible revisions. Here is one perfect example of how the modern Bibles can send people to Hell. I sure feel lonely being like the Lone Ranger all the time, being the only one standing against the Devil's falsehoods. Meanwhile, the sickening PCC camp are busy singing religious songs, playing church, making tons of money, playing ballgames, and laughing at me for telling THE TRUTH. These truly are like the days of Noah. Their day of reckoning is coming at BJU, PCC and Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. God's wrath and judgment will not last forever!!!

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