Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Hardly Anyone Cares About The Truth Today

2nd John 1:11, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”

I get so frustrated seeing false prophets, infidels and church destroyers prospering, arrogantly smiling and bidding Godspeed to each other. I pray and long for God's judgment upon these wicked false teachers. I speak to the utter shame of false teachers like Marty Herron, Joe Hansen, Jared Baldwin, Steve Pettit, Jeff Redlin, Timothy Zacharias, Gary Walton, John MacArthur and other reprobates of the faith today.

I am sick and tired of being the only preacher who cares enough to speak up. Jeff Redlin of Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College is a shameful coward! Redlin sinfully bids Godspeed to the accursed Bob Jones University crowd. Redlin even scolded me for preaching against BJU, wrongly accusing me of finding weaknesses in preachers. What BJU is doing is not weakness, it is WICKEDNESS!!! Marty Herron is a wicked false teacher, who says that to get to Heaven you must turn away from a lifestyle of sinning. God will wipe that stupid smirk off Marty's face in eternity! Preaching another gospel is an unforgivable offense!!!

No one is going to Heaven who preaches a false gospel. According to the Bob Jones crowd today, faith is not enough to be saved. In addition, they falsely preach that you must repent and turn away from your sinning. They require TWO steps to be saved (repentance and faith). This is NOT the Gospel of free grace taught in the inspired King James Bible. Sadly, the truths that I am sharing with you are a laughing matter to the Bob Jones University camp. Look at the crap that Dr. Steve Pettit preaches at Bob Jones College.

When I attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam, their shameful pastor was Sean Quinlan. Not once did that sad little man ever offer to pray with me, nor did he in any way make me feel like he cared about me as a human being. Quinlan was a coward, sinfully calling Harvest Baptist Church on Guam “our sister church.” I sternly rebuked Pastor Quinlan, warning him that Harvest is a cesspool of Calvinism, Lordship Salvation and Devil's bibles. Quinlan shameful made excuses, saying that it is none of our business what they do at Harvest. Yet, Quinlan 100% bids harvest Godspeed!!! How convenient that Quinlan can support wickedness, but then claim ignorance because it's not his business. Woe! Woe unto Sean Quinlan and the wicked Pensacola Christian College (PCC) camp who support him financially.

PCC donated $25,000 to Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam in 2018, so they can sinfully bid Godspeed to the God-cursed Harvest Baptist Church cult on Guam? What wickedness!!! I will never shut up. Marty Herron quit as pastor of Harvest in 2018 and fled in shame to Iowa, now the apostate vice president of Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. Yet, no one gives a damn! Chuck Phelps is an unsaved infidel, pastor of the Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis. Marty Herron regularly preaches for him. Phelps is on the board of directors at Bob Jones University. These wicked infidels are all working together to destroy New Testament churches with their poisonous perversion of the Gospel. Yet, where are the Bible preachers like me who expose them? I seen none.

I am disgusted with my Facebook “friends.” Every time that I post one of my blogs exposing Bob Jones University, no one agrees with me. I tell you, I am just about ready to get rid of Facebook and all the phony “friends” who don't care about the truth. Those are NOT my true friends. No one is a true friend of mine who doesn't give a damn about THE TRUTH. False prophets must be exposed!!! I care. Truth matters to me. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

But at Campus Church and Pensacola Christian College, money is all that matters!!! They mistreated me when I attended there. Jeff Redlin as their senior pastor abused my kindness, made false allegations against me, and shamefully behaved himself as a darn fool. I wouldn't give you a penny for a lousy uncaring pastor like Jeff Redlin, who couldn't preach his way out of a paper bag. But like that devil Marty Herron, Jeff Redlin has money, popularity and is living large at the expense of Christianity, so they don't give a damn at all.

I know that God is proud of me for preaching THE TRUTH. Doing so has cost me my church membership. For 7 long and painful years, I was rejected and ostracized by the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. Marty Herron and Gary Walton abused me as a human being, refusing to allow me to attend church because I TOLD THE TRUTH. My blood is upon their hands at Harvest. Sadly, the culprits got away with their evil deeds. There is absolutely nothing I can do, and those wicked evildoers know it, except pray night and day for God to avenge me (and He has promised to do so in Matthew 12:36, Romans 12:19 and Galatians 6:7). For 7 miserable years I had no church family because of Marty Herron and Gary Walton. I want to be avenged by God of their wickedness!!! I pray earnestly that it be so. These evil men have been warned and warned and warned, by myself and many others, about their damnable ways, but they refuse to repent of their false repentance, Lordship Salvation and Devil's corrupt bibles.

The cocky Lordship Salvation crowd have a false sense of security because they are so many in number. They have infidel Billy Graham on their side. They have the apostate Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) on their side. All of these ungodly groups and individuals errantly preach that faith is not enough to be saved, but also, they say you must repent and turn away from your sins to go to Heaven. They are LIARS!!! They are of the Devil.

Everywhere I turn nowadays, all I see are nonchalant believers who don't care about anything. I meet pastor after pastor, who are indifferent and unexcited about truth or falsehoods. In most churches I visit, I hear the pastor(s) bragging on infidel Billy Graham, or inviting corrupt music groups into their churches that teach Lordship Salvation. It is WRONG!!! The Gospel has been perverted in over 95% of churches today.

If you love the Lord, then you ought to help me speak up for God and expose heresy and false teachers (Titus 1:10-14; Psalms 94:16) Bob Jones University (BJU) and their rotten graduates will never repent of their falsehoods as long as fools like Pensacola Christian College (PCC) continue to sinfully bid them Godspeed. 2nd John 1:11, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” SHAME on Jeff Redlin and company!!! Instead of commending me as the Lord does for my faithful ministry, Pastor Redlin foolishly rebuked me for preaching against the wicked Lordship Salvation preaching Bob Jones crowd. Today's pastors are truly pathetic!!! I don't know about you friend, but I am on the side of THE TRUTH!!!

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