Saturday, March 1, 2025

Beware Of Renee Roland's False Teaching That Jesus Is Not The Eternal Son Of God

1st John 2:22-23, “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.”

Renee Roland is making a lot of money on her toxic YouTube channel. She presently has about 18,800 subscribers. Renee wrongly divides the Word of Truth, perverting the inspired Word of God. Among other false doctrines, she errantly teaches that angels had sex with human women in Genesis 6. She also foolishly denies that lost sinners who die without Christ will burn in Hell fire forever. Renee instead teaches annihilation (the same heresy taught by Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventists). RUN from this false prophetess!!!

Worst of all, Renee denies the ETERNAL SONSHIP of Jesus, claiming that He was only the Son of God while upon the earth. The following Scripture plainly disproves Renee Roland's lie that Jesus is not the eternal Son of God. In this verse we clearly see that after Jesus resurrected from the dead, He was still called: “THE SON OF GOD...
Revelation 2:18, “And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;
Jesus has always been THE SON OF GOD, from eternity past to eternity future.

I fully agree with this man, who faithfully exposes Renee Roland as a deadly false prophet...

Renee Roland Misrepresents Eternal Sonship!

In the following video you can hear Renee herself explain her doctrinal position...

Eternal Sonship of Jesus Issue - My Position On This and Why

Jesus has always been THE SON OF GOD, from eternity past to eternity future.

A big problem with the Incarnational Sonship of Christ HERESY that Renee Roland preaches is that this teaching confuses (or destroys) the internal relationships that exist within the Godhead (Trinity), because if there is no Son prior to the incarnation (John 1:1-3, 14), then there is no Father either; and yet throughout the Old Testament we see God being referred to as the Father of Israel. For example: Isaiah 63:16, “Doubtless thou art our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, art our father, our redeemer; thy name is from everlasting.” Without the preincarnate Son there couldn't have been God the Father.

Also, Jesus is referred to as the Father. Isaiah 9:6, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Without the preincarnate Son there couldn't have been God the Father.

Instead of having a triune God eternally existing in three distinct Persons with three distinct names; namely: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, those who hold to the doctrine of incarnational Sonship end up with a nameless Godhead (Trinity) prior to Christ's incarnation.
This is dangerously close to modalism and could easily lead to false teachings about the nature of God. Renee makes the mistake of leaning upon her human understanding. In her numerous videos on the topic, she admits that she is confused. Renee often uses double speak, contradicting herself. She often claims that her critics are misrepresenting her (she has personally accused me of taking her teachings about Hell out of context). Renee plainly teaches that lost sinners who die without Christ will not burn in fire forever. I haven't taken her words out of context! She is a theological liar.

The truth is that Renee is woefully ignorant and unlearned of the Scriptures and has no business teaching Bible doctrine. I humbly spent eight years in Bible college (Hyles-Anderson College, 1985-1993) preparing to be a pastor, but Renee has zero theological training. In this video Renee claims to believe in the eternal Sonship of Jesus, yet in this video made a year later she denies His eternal Sonship. Renee assumes that being the “Son of God makes Jesus inferior and subserviently to God the Father. Therefore, in her flawed reasoning she limits Jesus' Sonship only to His time on earth in His fleshly mortal body. She states:
I believe He became the Son.” —Renee Roland (video time, 3:45)
If that were true what Renee is teaching, then God the Father could not have become “the Father” until Jesus (God the Son) became “the Son” on earth. This is strange doctrine!

Prior to His earthly incarnation, Renee teaches that Jesus was “the Word,” but not the Son. This is strange doctrine and blatant heresy! Renee keeps saying that it doesn't matter what you believe on the matter, but dear reader, RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!! Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Jesus is the eternal Son of God. The Godhead always existed, it didn't begin with Jesus' earthly incarnation.  Renee further states:
“I don't believe He was the Son until His incarnation.” —Renee Roland (video time, 7:42)
Renee talks foolishly, essentially insisting that right doctrine doesn't matter. She insists that the eternal Sonship of Jesus is not a fundamental Bible doctrine. She is wrong! She insists that no one has a right to criticize with her for having her own differing position, even though she is teaching contrary to orthodox Bible theology. Jesus has always been the Son of God, and He always will be! Renee makes the mistake of assuming that the word “Son is synonymous with inferiority to the Father. She errantly reasons that to be the “Son, infers that Jesus was created in time after the Father (i.e., a derivative of the Father, she says) which detracts from His deity.

As I showed you earlier, the Bible says in Revelation 2:18, “And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; Even after being resurrected from the dead, Jesus was called, the Son of God.” Renee affirms that Jesus is God, almighty, omnipotent, and made Old Testament appearances, et cetera, but she denies that He is the eternal Son of God. She is very wrong! If Jesus didn't become the Son until His incarnation, then there was no Godhead until Jesus' conception in Mary's womb.

Renee Roland Agrees With Edwardpf123 In Rejecting Eternal Sonship

Renee keeps saying that she is deliberately being misrepresented, but I understand her just fine, and she is a false teacher. She denies that Jesus was “the Son before He came to earth. She foolishly claims that whatever you believe concerning Jesus' Sonship is acceptable, but that is not true. 1st John 2:22-23, “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” Is she not denying the Son?

I cannot warn everyone enough to avoid this corrupt woman on YouTube. Renee is making lots of PayPal money, which is blood money. She denies eternal damnation in a burning Hell for unbelievers. She denies that Jesus was the Son of God before He came to earth.

She sadly reminds me of today's corrupt Bible colleges, like Pensacola Christian College and Bob Jones University, who both claim that the King James Bible is the best, preserved and trustworthy Bible, but then they deny that we have an inspired perfect Holy Bible today. What a contradiction! For Renee to say that Jesus is God, eternal and the Word, but not the Son of God before or after he walked this earth, is blasphemy!

I reject Renee's damnable heresy! Colossians 2:2 calls the Godhead (Trinity) “a mystery. I cannot explain the intricacies of the Godhead and neither can anyone else. But we do know that God exists as a triune Godhead; namely, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19-20, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” How can we baptize converts in the name of the Son if the Son no longer exists? Renee is a deceiver!

She says the Son of God exists, but he is not the eternal Son, talking gibberish out of both sides of her mouth. I am sick and tired of hearing her downplay her heresies as if it is no big deal. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

RUN from this false prophetess! Renee says ridiculous stuff, like at the end of this video: “I'm not teaching heresy I'm just sharing my personal opinion.” Huh? What a joke! She gets angry when people challenge her false teachings. Renee denies an everlasting burning Hell for Christ rejecters. Her partners in spiritual crime on YouTube are Matthew Gordon Correll (aka, JackSmack77) and Edwardpf123. JackSmack77 and Renee Roland both have PayPal accounts and links on every YouTube video, incessantly begging for donations from their victims. These are greedy false teachers!

I encourage you to read this excellent helpful book by Pastor George W. Zeller and Dr. Ronald E. Showers (1935-2019)...

(by Middletown Baptist Church)

I have read the sordid comments by Renee's tens of thousands of followers on YouTube. Hundreds of sickening comments applaud Renee for denying the reality of a burning Hell, calling the Lake of Fire “a myth.” This is not a woman of God! I have had fools by the dozens email to scold me for criticizing “a daughter of God.” What lunatics! Something is very wrong with a woman preacher in the first place. Furthermore, something is very wrong with a professed Christian who denies the reality of a burning Hell for unbelievers. Add to that Renee's strange doctrine that Jesus is not the eternal Son of God and you've got a theological monster! If you want to follow a blind person, the blind leading the blind, then you are the fool.
“Christians ought not to give Christian recognition to those who are not Christians. They ought not to call those 'brethren' who are not really spiritual brethren. One who does not hold the historic Christian faith, does not accept the deity of Christ, the infallible inspiration of the Bible and has not trusted Christ personally as Saviour, is not a Christian and ought not to be called a Christian. The yoke is unequal when born-again people and unconverted cultists or liberals and modernists are in the same organization, calling each other brethren.” —Dr. John R. Rice, “A Grand Success of the Christian Life,” p. 155
Don't tell me that Renee is saved when she denies that Jesus is the eternal Son of God. She talks out of both sides of her mouth, dismissing the issue as being trifle and not a fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith. This is a monumental matter! Jesus has always been the eternal Son of God, and He always will be the eternal Son of God.

Renee Roland is subtle and suave, slick with her words. She tries to convince everyone that she is Miss Innocent, since she believes that Jesus is God, eternal and existed with the Father always. Yet, there is no misunderstanding that Renee denies Jesus' eternal Sonship. How are we mispresenting her? Please don't buy into her suave rhetoric. She is a false prophetess! It is heretical to deny that Jesus was the Son of God before He came to earth incarnate.

Here is a helpful edifying video showing 11 CONTRASTS between Eternal Sonship versus Incarnational Sonship. This information is provided by the Middletown Baptist Church to help you settle the matter, if you're still undecided...

Beware of these false teachers who teach Incarnational Sonship. The inspired King James Bible teaches the Eternal Sonship of Jesus!

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Beware Of Renee Roland's False Teaching That Jesus Is Not The Eternal Son Of God

1st John 2:22-23, “ Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.   Who...