Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Why Shameful Baptists Don't Like Me

Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

I live a sad life as a fundamentalist Baptist preacher who cares. Ironically, my sadness is caused by being shunned, despised and persecuted by professed Christians, particularly Baptists. They don't like my website ministry, which precedes me everywhere I go. I have never mentioned my website ministry to any pastors in the handful of churches that I have attended over the past 15 years. But I didn't have to, they already knew about my ministry. Unfortunately, they were displeased with my zeal to contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3). My worst enemies are not witches, homosexuals and abortionists; but rather, pastors and Bible colleges. Go figure!

You see dear reader, 99% of pastors and church staff these days are merely collecting paychecks. They are not sincere in serving God (Romans 16:17-18). One of the worst religious institutions today is Pensacola Christian College (PCC). The shameful neo-evangelical school took in $172,551,208 in 2023. Yet, PCC is wrong on the Gospel. PCC refuses to contend for the Christian faith. It is tragic that thousands of Baptist churches are being castrated spiritually by the shallow influence of PCC, Bob Jones University (BJU) and other ungodly religious institutions. I have attended a few PCC affiliated churches in the city of Pensacola, all of which are spiritually corrupt or dead (e.g., Smyrna Baptist Church, Fairfield Drive Baptist Church, Family Baptist Church, et cetera).

PCC's shallow form of godliness without the power thereof is toxic! PCC errantly teaches that to get to Heaven, you must be willing to forsake sinful bad habits (which is works). Like wicked Hollywood, PCC falls all over themselves with self-praise, self-glorification and self-honor. I wouldn't enroll a dog into PCC! We need a whole new breed of Christians and preachers in America, which you WON'T find at the cesspool of iniquity at PCC.

When I attended the spiritually rotten Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2014, I was shunned, ridiculed, ostracized and thrown under the bus by their wicked pastors, mainly their corrupt senior pastor Marty Herron. I saw that the church was a vile haven for the Devil's deadly deceptions of Lordship Salvation, Misunderstood Repentance and False Bibles. I heard Pastor Herron horribly tell a few hundred people one Sunday morning in his sermon invitation, that in order to get to Heaven it wasn't enough to admit they were sinners, they also needed to forsake a lifestyle of sinning. I cringed in my pew. I went home and cried in grief, knowing that Pastor Herron is preaching a perverted plan of salvation which cannot produce the second birth. Woe unto any ungodly pastor who distorts God's simple plan of salvation!

In the years to follow I was wickedly banned by Pastor Herron from attending their church, even though I had lost my church family and missed my friends. I was not welcomed because I TOLD THE TRUTH. There has hardly been a day since that has gone by, when I haven't earnestly prayed for God to avenge me of that wicked devil Marty Herron. Hell will be his eternal damnation for preaching a counterfeit plan o salvation.

From 2014 to 2021 (when I finally moved away from Guam to Florida), I was shunned in the local community on Guam by members of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. If you've never lived in a small town or a small island, you cannot possibly understand the inexplicable emotional trauma that I suffered because of Marty Herron, who has my blood on his wicked hands.

To make matters worse, when I moved to Pensacola I chose to attend Campus Church at PCC. I didn't realize then, that PCC and Harvest Baptist Church on Guam are closely connected. Harvest broadcasts PCC's toxic Lordship Salvation sermons on their KHMG 88.1 FM radio station. PCC has much blood on their hands for perverting the Gospel, and for wickedly bidding Godspeed to the infidels at BJU and Harvest. They are all GUILTY!!! They are all FALSE PROPHETS!!! Dear reader, RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

The demonic religious organizations that I have exposed in this blog couldn't care less. They are hardened false prophets, embellishing and changing God's simple plan of salvation. In 2022 PCC invited to speak and honored infidel Ken Ham, wickedly bidding him Godspeed (2nd John 1:11). Ken Ham and Answers-In-Genesis preach another gospel. Birds of a feather flock together! Harvest, PCC, BJU and Ken Ham are all buddies! BJU are friends with John MacArthur, who is one of their alumnus. The Gospel of free grace is under attack today like never before, but hardly anyone cares. Well, I care and have lost everything for my stand.

I had met a woman at Harvest Baptist Church who liked me, and I liked her. I know as sure as I am saved that we would have been married, but her God damned pastor Marty Herron refused to allow me to court her at church, punishing me for TELLING THE TRUTH. Since Marty was her boss, and she was the religious school's nurse, it wasn't hard for Pastor Herron to coerce her to get rid of me, and she cruelly did. She will also answer to God in eternity for siding with Satanic false prophets! Harvest Baptist Church is a cult, serving the Devil. NO ONE is born again who is trying to turn from their sins to get to Heaven.

I have met with sadness, misfortunate, loss and failed relationships again and again over the past 20 years, simply because I TOLD THE TRUTH and wicked compromiser corrupted the truth. Ladies and gentlemen, a FALSE GOSPEL is being preached from nearly every pulpit today in the world. A CORRUPT PLAN OF SALVATION is being propagated in nearly every religious school, book, magazine, YouTube video and film. Satan has infiltrated the churches with another gospel of partial faith in Christ PLUS works. Even once so-called "Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Churches" today have become corrupted with the fallacies of Lordship Salvation and Misunderstood Repentance.

The Bible teaches that it is better to obey God than man, which is what I have done, and I have paid the price for it. I have suffered loneliness all these many years at the cruel hands of wicked neo-evangelical pastors and their ungodly indoctrinated followers, all still hellbound in their sins. I sincerely tried to help them by befriending them with THE TRUTH, but they wilfully and wickedly ejected that truth (Hosea 4:6).

Galatians 6:7 warns that they WILL reap the many evils which they have sown. Neo-evangelicals are servants of the Kingdom of Darkness! They use, sell and promote counterfeit Bible revisions which change the inspired truth of God into a lie (Romans 1:25). I cannot warn you enough dear friend to RUN from PCC, BJU, Answers-In-Genesis, Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, John MacArthur, Ray Comfort and anybody who associates with these evildoers and imposters (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Satan is a beautiful liar!

Jesus Himself came preaching the truth and they called him a devil (John 7:20), a deceiver (Matthew 27:63), crazy (Mark 3:21) and a fornicator (John 8:41). If wicked religious people did that to the sinless only begotten Son of God, Jesus said they would also persecute us (John 15:19). The servant is not greater than his master. Like my blessed Savior, I know the loneliness of rejection. Isaiah 53:3, He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. But I never thought it would be Baptists who would despise and reject me for TELLING THEM THE TRUTH.

I told them all THE TRUTH that:
  1. Lordship Salvation is a lie of the Devil, which is a perversion of God's grace
  2. Misunderstood Repentance is a lie of the Devil. Repentance does NOT mean to turn from your sins. Even God repented in Jonah 3:10. We know that God is incapable of sinning. Bible repentance simply means to change your mind. The sinful man who changes his mind from unbelief to believe the Gospel is saved (1st Corinthians 15:1-4).
  3. False Bibles are of Satan. Corrupt bibles produce corrupt doctrines.
  4. Martin Luther (1483-1546) was NOT a born again Christian. Mr. Luther taught the demonic heresies of Baptismal Regeneration and Sacramental Salvation all his life, which are works-based perversions of the Gospel.
For being a true friend and warning Harvest's and PCC's Campus Church pastors about these dangerous evils, I was horribly shunned and banned from attending their cults. To no surprise, the pastors of Harvest and PCC's Campus Church get paid outrageous 6-digit salaries. They are in serious big trouble with God almighty. My faithful stand and Bible preaching WILL BE AVENGED in eternity. The tables will someday be turned. They will lose their wives, their houses, their money, and their pompous arrogance and stiffnecked pride. God will greatly reward me in Heaven for humbly siding with THE TRUTH. I was willing to lose everything for the truth of Christ, and I did lose everything; while in sharp contrast, Jeff Redlin, Marty Herron, Steve Pettit and other religious bastards only cared about their 6-digit paychecks.

PCC, BJU and Harvest DO NOT contend for the faith. They are money-making cults! By God's grace alone, I have never made a single penny in 23 years of faithful website ministry service, in which I have invested well over 50,000 hours, working night and day for Jesus. PCC and BJU only care about filthy lucre. The cult system always comes first, but individual people do not matter. I am living proof of this sad fact. I was thrown under the bus at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, a repository of BJU graduates. I was thrown under the bus at PCC, a hellhole of religious hatred, worldly bigotry and ungodly snobbery. RUN from these places!


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