Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Fallacy Of A Young Earth Creation

Psalms 102:25, "OF OLD hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands" [emphasis added]. 

The Bible teaches an old earth, likely billions of years old as legitimate scientists have estimated. The Young Earth Creation (YEC) garbage started with Ellen G. White of the Seventh-Day Adventists, as Dr. Younce explains in this video. It is a shame that 90% of today's religious colleges are teaching this superstitious junk. There is no way that you can study the Hebrew words in Genesis chapter one, and not conclude an Old Earth Creation (OEC).

The Fallacy of Young Earth Creationism

I encourage you to read a helpful free book on this subject by Arthur C. Custance (1910-1985), titled: "Without Form And Void."

Also, I encourage you to read Dr. Max D. Younce's intriguing free book titled: "The Truth About Evolution; Or, Don't Let Satan Make A Monkey Out Of You!"

The YEC view is harmful, because it drives intelligent thinking people away from the Gospel, bewildered that a professed Christian could be so ignorant. Telling someone that you think dinosaurs lived with mankind 5,000 years ago, is no different than telling someone that you think the earth is flat.

The YEC crowd are so foolish, unscholarly and desperate to grasp for straws to bolster up their laughable heresy, that they make insane claims. A perfect example is Henry Morris III (1918-2006), who teaches that Noah brought baby dinosaurs aboard the ark. Morris claims that God had to stunt the growth of those dinosaurs for the one year that they were aboard the ark.

Kindly, if someone believes that dinosaurs lived with humanity 5,000 years ago, I feel sorry for your willing ignorance. Solomon said that the lion is the strongest of all beasts. Proverbs 30:30, "A lion which is strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any;" There is no way you can watch this video of actual dinosaur skeletal remains and then sanely debate with me whether dinosaurs or a lion is stronger. God gave us a brain to think dear friend.

The popular lame argument that you'll hear from most churchgoers is that we just don't know, so it's not something that we should debate over. That happened to me at the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (a bunch of Bob Jones University graduate heretics). Bob Jones University (BJU) teaches their students Young Earth Creationism (YEC). Nearly all of the religious institutions today are teaching their students YEC, which is why nearly all churches have been corrupted by YEC nonsense. Proponents of a YEC feel threatened that an Old Earth Creation (OEC) contradicts a literal 6-day creation, but it absolutely does not!

Sadly, the wicked Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) promotes infidel Ken Ham to all their thousands of church members and students. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!! When I attended Campus Church in 2021, they showed Ken Ham's Young Earth Creation (YEC) series all summer long for Wednesday night Bible study. It upsets me when incompetent pastors, like the Bozo clowns at PCC, play video tapes of other preachers instead of doing their own Bible study.

Kindly said, Ken Ham DOESN'T rightly divide the Word of Truth, he is WRONG on the Gospel. According to Ken Ham, faith in the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ crucified, buried and risen the third day is NOT enough to get to Heaven. In addition, Ham says you must repent and turn away from your sinful ways. But what saith the Scripture? Jonah 3:10, "And God saw THEIR WORKS, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not." God changed His mind (He repented) not to destroy Nineveh. But they didn't get saved by THEIR WORKS!!! The Bible doesn't say that the Assyrians got saved, it simply says that they turned away from their evil ways and God spared imminent destruction upon their nation.

Judas also turned away from his evil ways (Matthew 27:3), even returning the 30 pieces of silver to the Pharisees which he had been paid to betray Jesus. Judas felt remorse, regret and reformation, but he never repented toward God to put his faith in Jesus. Turning away from sin is WORKS! Ken Ham is a hellbound false prophet!!! SHAME on PCC for promoting him, which confuses their students. SHAME on BJU and Crown College for promoting him. In the video Ken Ham's employee even says that turning from sins is the "SECOND" thing you must DO to be saved. That is a counterfeit plan of salvation, which cannot produce the new birth.

Sadly, America is in a moral mess today because pastors no longer stand against doctrinal error. Instead they are preaching it! I am shocked that most Baptist churches today are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, preaching the Devil's Calvinist lies. They use the Devil's corrupt Bible revisions. Even communist Cuba rejected the Devil's modern Bible PERversions! Cuba rejected a shipment of 17,000 New International Version (NIV) Bible translations in 2018. Cuba's leaders said they only want KING JAMES BIBLES!!! Gotta love it!

So what is wrong with American pastors? What is wrong with our clergy? I think it is because of peer pressure. To raise a King James Bible only flag ensures that you will be mocked, scorned, rejected, ridiculed and put outside the gate with Jesus, as I am. Jesus has always been outside the gate dear friend. What does that mean “outside the gate?” ...
What does Hebrews 13:12 mean?
When Jesus was crucified, the execution took place outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem (John 19:17–20). In the prior verse, the writer of Hebrews noted that leftover flesh from sacrificed animals was burned outside the borders of Israel's camp, under the old covenant (Exodus 29:14). This letter has also shown how the physical components of the old covenant, including the temple and sacrifices, were meant to symbolize the "real" sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9:23–24). Here, that idea is applied to the concept of being discarded, cast out, or rejected.

Just as animals were killed to consecrate Aaron and the priesthood, so too did Jesus die to consecrate those who believe in Him. This symbolic "casting out" was meant to imply something negative: the thing being discarded was unfit, unclean, or unwanted. Jesus willingly endured that kind of hatred (Hebrews 12:2), for our benefit. A major theme of the book of Hebrews has been the need to "hold fast" despite persecution. So, even when the world—or our own culture—hates and rejects us, we ought to be willing to "go to Him" (Hebrews 13:13) in that state, preferring God and His kingdom over the approval of other men (Hebrews 13:14).

SOURCE: BibleRef 

One of my favorite sermons by Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) is titled: "Outside The Gate With Jesus." 2nd Timothy 3:12, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” Sadly, my biggest enemies are pastors of churches. I received an email on August 2, 2022 banning me from attending Campus Church at PCC, because I criticized their pastors and leadership. It didn't matter that I took the time to mail 3 separate letters vie the U.S. Postal Service to PCC and Campus Church, apologizing as sincerely as any man could, they had already made up their ungodly minds that I was not welcome.

It is shameful and tragic that our so-called “Bible colleges” are the most dangerous place for a young person to be nowadays, where they become doctrinally corrupted (not to mention their manners become corrupted, turning into high-minded snobs by the time they graduate). Over 97% of today's religious colleges DON'T believe we have an inspired infallible Bible today. They teach the students that God inspired the thoughts, but not the words (verbal inspiration). I'm talking about Pensacola Christian College. I'm talking about Bob Jones University, I'm talking about Crown College in Powell, Tennessee. Pastor Clarence Sexton is corrupt! Sadly, Pastor Sexton has turned ecumenical because of his prosperity and wealth. He is buddies with Ken Ham, disregarding the fact that Ham preaches another gospel.

(PCC wickedly bids Ken Ham Godspeed, 2nd John 1:11)

Pastor Jeff Redlin at PCC's Campus Church sinfully refuses to stand in the fight against these ungodly Bible college traps for young people. This is the real reason why they don't want me at PCC, because I put them all to utter shame. Jeff Redlin criticized my website ministry from the get go when I started attending Campus Church in July of 2021. Redlin was rude, insensitive, uncaring and a jerk. I pray that God will fire him soon. I sure would fire him if I could. Thankfully, God sees Redlin's wickedness, that he chose to side with the Calvinist Bob Jones University crowd over me, because they stand to gain more students by remaining shallow, not standing against anything and just playing church 3 times a week. PCC is so sickening today! I have ought against the PCC camp for mistreating and abusing me as a truth-teller. They still refuse to allow me to attend Campus Church. That is a damn cult!!!

I'm also talking about my home college too, Hyles-Anderson College. Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) called the fight for the inspiration of the King James Bible, "The Battle Of The Ages" in 1994. Yet, just 14 years later in 2008 the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, changed their position on the Bible, so that now they don't believe we have an inspired and infallible Bible today without errors in it. I wouldn't send a dog to HAC today!!! A handful of corrupt men corrupted the FBCH, and consequently HAC because they own it. It is so sad.

RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!! The inspiration and perfection of the Holy Bible matters!!! If any part of the Bible could be corrupt, then any part could be corrupt. That would leave us at the mercy of Greek and Hebrew scholars to tell us what it truth or untruth. God doesn't do things like that, leaving the common man at the behest of flawed sinful human scholars. If the King James Bible is not inspired, then we are trusting what men tell us instead of God. I need an EVERY WORD Bible is I am to obey Matthew 4:4, “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. I have EVERY WORD of God in my inspired KING JAMES BIBLE. Amen.

Noah DIDN'T Take Dinosaurs Aboard The Ark!

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