Sunday, September 4, 2022

Pensacola Christian College Leaders Have Lace On Their Underwear

Titus 1:10-14, “For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.”

Revelation 3:2, “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.

I heard a great sermon excerpt today from Pastor Al Lacy (1933-2016), called: “God Forged A Sword.” I had the privilege of attending a King James Bible Seminar at Hyles-Anderson College in the summer of 1992, taught by Dr. Al Lacy. Here are my notes (which you are welcome to copy and share any way you want). I thank God for faithful preachers like Pastor Al Lacy, who weren't afraid of offending mainstream apostate Christendom.

(Pastor Al Lacy, 1933-2016)

In the preceding excellent sermon excerpt, Pastor Lacy rightly says that preachers who dismiss, diminish and make light of the Bible issue, have lace on their underwear. Hence, the title of my blog. In other words, they are wimps, sissies, cowards, Caspar Milquetoast and pantywaist preachers!!! There is nothing more disgusting and nauseating than today's cowardly pastors who won't stand against anything. They are yellowbellies!

There is no bigger a danger and threat today than the Devil's modern Bible revisions. I fully agree with the following awesome quotes from Pastor M.R. DeHaan (1891-1965):
"Be on guard against any tampering with the Word, whether disguised as a search for truth, or a scholarly attempt at apparently hidden meanings; and beware of the confusion created by the senseless rash of new versions, translations, editions, and improvements upon the tried and tested Bible of our fathers and grandfathers."

"The true Church preaches REGENERATION; not reformation, not education, not legislation, but regeneration."

SOURCE: 'THE TABERNACLE' (available on, page 101)
Dr. DeHaan was so right! Utter confusion has been caused by the never-ending rash of so-called “new and improved Bible revisions.

Sadly, many preachers today aren't taking a stand against the Devil's fake bibles. One shameful institution that comes to mind is Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and Campus Church. Years ago, I heard Pastor William P. Grady mention in a sermon, that the PCC camp were labeling him in their classrooms (in 1999) as being “radical over the King James Bible.

Speed ahead two decades, I experienced the SAME apostate response from Pastor Sean Quinlan (a PCC intern pastor at the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam in 2018), who shamefully called me “obsessed over the Bible issue.” Pastor Quinlan became visibly upset toward me, when I made the truthful statement to a friend of mind at church that, “Bob Jones University sells corruptible seed.” To understand why I said that, please listen to Dr. Jack Hyles' awesome 1994 sermon titled: “The Battle Of The Ages.” Please, see the movie of the same title that I made, by God's grace, in 2018!

Bob Jones University (BJU) is pulling on the same rope as the Devil today. BJU wickedly bids Godspeed to false prophet John MacArthur (who is a boastful 5-point Calvinist). Mr. MacArthur teaches, and I quote: “There is no such thing as a childhood conversion.” Jesus said the exact opposite in Mark 10:14, “But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer (allow) the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” You had better believe that little children CAN be saved!!! The biggest lie ever told is that children cannot be saved. God made salvation easy for a good reason, so that anybody can be saved if they want to be! 

I attended Campus Church at PCC for a few months in 2021. I quickly found out that the pastors of Campus Church are not nice people. Their pastors totally avoided me. So I reached out kindly to their senior pastor, Jeff Redlin. Sadly, he was abusive toward me, putting me down for being divorced and hoping to find a wife at Campus Church. I knew right then that Mr. Redlin does not walk closely with the Lord Jesus Christ, because a man who genuinely walks with God has unconditional love for everyone. Jesus even called Judas, the man who horribly betrayed Him to death, “Friend.

We are now living in apostate times in America! Horrible places like PCC have deteriorated into mere money-making business, hiding behind the masquerade of being a ministry. The dear Savior never called any saint to get into the education business! Christ commissioned The Church (locally gathered born-again believers) to fulfill The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). PCC doesn't go soulwinning! They pass out invitation flyers at their local favorite coffee-spot in town, while 99.99% of the city of Pensacola goes to Hell. Is that a New Testament church? No way! NO WAY!!!

As I listened to Pastor Al Lacy's needful sermon, “God's Forged Sword,” and heard him preach against lazy pastors with lace on their underwear, who refuse to preach against apostate Bible colleges like Bob Jones University, I immediately thought about Campus Church and Pensacola Christian College. The PCC sinfully camp called Pastor Bill Grady “radical.” The PCC camp sinfully called me “obsessed.” And in 2021, Pastor Jeff Redlin sinfully and shamefully falsely accused me of “finding weakness in preachers.” Redlin said that because unlike him and the other incompetent pastors of Campus Church, I have the courage and faith and walk with God, to REBUKE THEM SHARPLY, that they might be sound in the faith;” (Titus 1:13b - emphasis added). I have been faithfully rebuking the Bob Jones University (BJU) camp since 2014, exposing them for preaching Lordship Salvation (i.e., Calvinism), exposing them for promoting Satan's corrupt Bible revisions, and exposing them for preaching a misunderstanding of what it means to repent in the Bible for salvation.

BJU are GUILTY for corrupting the inspired unchanging Word of God!!! PCC are GUILTY for sinfully bidding Godspeed to the Bob Jones crowd (2nd John 1:11), and for not contending for the Christian faith (as I am rightly doing)!!! Jude 1:3, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Since Jeff Redlin and company at PCC are not faithfully standing against error, sin and falsehoods; they need to belittle me instead, to make themselves feel comfortable in their wretched spiritual condition (Revelation 3:15-17). It's easier for PCC leaders to criticize somebody like me (the guy who's getting the job done), than it is for them to admit that they are dropping the ball for God. Sadly, PCC doesn't care about INDIVIDUALS! They don't care about hurting people. I poured out my heart to PCC and Campus Church leaders, explaining my ongoing battle with stenosis and radiculitis in my neck. They couldn't care less!

All these ungodly phonies care about at PCC is their undeserved outrageously high-on-the-hog paychecks! Pastor Redlin gets paid well over $100,000 a year. That is sickening!!! Servant of God? Ha Ha! PCC leadership are abusive bullies, theologically tainted on repentance (they errantly teach that repentance will result in a change of behavior, which is NOT part of getting saved, nor proving that one is saved.). My friend, Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold gets repentance 100% correct...

What 'Faith Without Works' Does Not Mean
(Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold)

I am not the one holding out on God, PCC doesn't care about contending for the faith. You'll never hear one word of rebuke at PCC or their Campus Church, spoken against the apostate Bob Jones crowd today. That is because BJU's graduates are sending their high-school students (money) to PCC. Birds of a feather flock together! They are all in bed together at PCC and BJU, spiritually fornicating for THE LOVE OF MONEY, all the while living in utter denial. Famous author Mark Twain rightly said: “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

The PCC camp have been deceived by the Devil. By laying down with dogs, PCC now has fleas, mange and ticks! That is, their doctrine, attitudes and behavior have been corrupted. PCC is A.W.O.L. (Absent With Out Leave) from The Battle Of The Ages over the purity of inspired Word of God, and the clarity of the Gospel!!! PCC are shamefully sitting on the premises instead of standing on the promises, letting evangelist preachers like me do all the dirty work. God knows my labors, and their laziness and love for money.

Over the past 20 years of website ministry (by God's grace, I have over 50,000 hours invested in my website ministry since 2002), I have never asked for nor accepted a single penny from anyone. My labors are a ministry of love for God my precious Savior, truth and people. To God alone be ALL the credit, praise and glory. Anytime that money gets involved, a certain degree of corruption becomes inevitable. That is, decisions are influenced by the need for more money. That is one reason why I have never, and will never, take a penny for serving God. I am not for sale! Sadly, Jeff Redlin is for sale (they guy has puppet strings on him at PCC). Pastor Redlin must follow the cult's rules, obey his masters (those who pay his salary), and is afraid to make decisions on his own. That is why he refused to let me come back to Campus Church in 2022. I kindly begged three times in June, July and August of 2022; but PCC's ungodly leaders refused. Like I said, they don't give a damn about INDIVIDUALS at PCC.

I love the people and leaders at PCC. God knows my heart. But as a Baptist preacher of the Gospel, I am compelled to take a Biblical stand against error, falsehoods and open wickedness in society, especially in today's ungodly churches and lifeless Bible colleges (like BJU and PCC). I did not write this blog to be mean or unkind, but to honor God by taking a Biblical stand against blatant corruption in our religious organizations and churches today. Something needs to change at Pensacola Christian College!!!

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