Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The NASB Testimony Of Pastor Frank Logsdon: Truth Or Myth?

Proverbs 30:5-6, “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” 2nd Corinthians 2:17, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.

Some people claim that the testimony of Pastor Frank Logsdon (1907-1987) is a fraud. Dr. Logsdon was instrumental in the production of the New American Standard Bible (NASB). Pastor Logsdon wrote the "Preface" to the NASB, which he states in the following audio presentation. What you are about to hear is an audio tape which was preserved by Dr. David Otis Fuller (1903-1988), and later sent to the gentleman in Australia who published this YouTube video. I found the following webpage this evening by a scientist blogger, who claims that Pastor Logsdon testimony is a "myth." ...

I do not think it is a myth. It doesn't surprise me that The Lockman Foundation would deny Dr. Logsdon's involvement in the publicizing of the NASB, denying that he ever worked for them, and denying that he wrote the "Preface" of the NASB. Franklin Logsdon (1907-1987), 81, onetime pastor of Moody Church, died in Largo, Florida in 1987, his home for several years. He was Moody Church`s pastor from 1951 to 1953. That is interesting, because Harry A. Ironside (1876-1951) was the pastor of Moody Church between 1930 to 1948.

Originally from Maryland, Logsdon came to Chicago from London, Ontario, where he had been pastor of a Baptist church. He later pastored churches in Pennsylvania and Michigan. He preached Bible conferences and in the 1950's prepared a feasibility study that led to the production of the New American Standard Bible (NASB). This godly man repented of his participation in making the NASB, saying publicly:

“I must, under God, renounce every attachment to the New American Standard Version. I’m afraid I’m in trouble with the Lord… We laid the groundwork; I wrote the format; I helped interview some of the translators; I sat with the translator; I wrote the preface… I’m in trouble; I can’t refute these arguments; its wrong, terribly wrong… The deletions are absolutely frightening . . . there are so many. Are we so naïve that we do not suspect Satanic deception in all of this?
Upon investigation, I wrote my dear friend, Mr. Lockman (editor’s note: Mr. Lockman was the benefactor through which the NASV was published) explaining that I was forced to renounce all attachment to the NASV (editors note: This is the same as the NASB)…”
The following is an audio recording of Dr. Logsdon refuting the Devil's modern Bible revisions. Thank God for these faithful men who contended for the faith...

Frank Logsdon NASV to KJV (Authorized Version)

Dear reader, you can hear Pastor Logsdon's passion in his preaching. The Lockman Foundation would never admit they are wrong. Why? Simply because they are still in error, full of pride, bathing in millions of dollars in filthy lucre, and pulling on the same rope as the Devil. You never expose the devil you're sleeping with!!!

You can hear Dr. Logsdon in his sermon mention that Dr. Lockman's royalty check was for around $1,500,000 from the sales of the NASB!!! Truly the love of money is the root of ALL evil (1st Timothy 6:10). The Devil is a beautiful liar!

There's a common saying for those who go swimming in the ocean which says: “If it is beautiful DON'T touch it!” Why? It is because the most deadly and poisonous creatures in the ocean are very beautiful. The Lion Fish is gorgeous, but it's stingers are deadly! The most pretty coral, like Fire Coral, is very painful if you even rub up against it. And likewise, the Devil took the most beautiful book in the world and he corrupted it into something deadly!!!

Personally, I fully believe Pastor Frank Logsdon's testimony about his change of heart toward the NASB. He plainly explains himself in the preceding audio presentation, telling us why he changed his mind (i.e., he repented), so why shouldn't we believe him? He had nothing financially to gain from taking a stand against his life's work. I thank God, with a special admiration, for men like Dr. Frank Logsdon (1907-1987), Dr. Russell Anderson and Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)—men who pay the price of rejection, despisement and criticism from peers, when they change to take a stand for what is right and true!!!

When Pastor Jack Schaap in 2008 changed the long-time doctrinal position of the First Baptist Church of Hammond—from one of believing that the King James Bible is inspired, to the new position that the King James Bible is not inspired—Dr. Russell Anderson withdrew his support of FBCH and Hyles-Anderson College (HAC) that bore his name (founded in 1972). When Pastor John Wilkerson became their new leader at FBCH, Dr. Russell Anderson appealed to him as well about the church's downfall concerning the inspiration of the Holy Bible.

Lest you think this is a trifle matter, please listen to this timeless sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles called: 'THE BATTLE OF THE AGES.' Tragically, and very sadly, the FBCH spit on Dr. Russell Anderson, and spit on the Lord Jesus Christ as well. The shameful First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, totally ignored this dear saint of God. They adamantly refuse to return the church and Hyles-Anderson College to their former correct position (that the King James Bible is the verbally and plenary inspired Word of God). God used Dr. Anderson's lifelong diligent labors—from the coal mines of Kentucky to the gold mines of success—to give $35,000,000 to build Hyles-Anderson College, and to build their new church building in Hammond. Yet those wicked ingrates spit on this dear man of God. WHAT A CRIME AGAINST JESUS CHRIST!!! The FBCH dishonors Pastor Jack Hyles. SHAME ON THEM ALL!!!

You dear reader must decide whether you believe Dr. Logsdon's testimony, but I see no reason not to give him every benefit of the doubt. If The Lockman Foundation will lie about the Word of God, perverting the words of God almighty, then why should we believe anything they have to say? Liar, liar, pants on fire! Tell one lie and all your truths become suspect. The NASB is full of lies. GET THEE BEHIND SATAN!

To Change What God Said Is A Crime! (Romans 1:25)

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