Monday, June 14, 2021

The Independent Fundamental Baptist Church Movement Is Needed Today More Than Ever

Revelation 3:2, “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.

There are A LOT of weird and disturbing things going on in churches today! All across America Baptist churches are losing their distinctives, dipping their sails, selling out to neo-evangelicals. Calvinism has been on the rise for decades. Sadly, few Christians care anymore. Pastors no longer stand like they used to. Sin is no longer preached against. Women dress immodestly. Men wear earrings to church. Courtship no longer exists before marriage. It is sad.

Lordship Salvation is a perversion of God's grace, which has crept into tens of thousands of Baptist churches. Today's churches are pathetic! Soulwinning is unheard of in over 99% of independent Baptist churches. They are certainly not fundamental. Our text passage says to strengthen the things that remain, which are ready to die. I cannot find Christians who care about right doctrine anymore in the churches. Pastors don't care, merely going along to get along, avoiding any controversies. Consequently, the truth has fallen into the streets.

Pastors are no longer preachers! Being a pastor used to be a calling, but today is a mere profession. Apathy and indifference are everywhere, as corrupt Bible college continue to produce covetous students who merely seek a paycheck. Truth doesn't matter to them! That is why Bob Jones University has gone hardcore Lordship Salvation! They preach a false understanding of repentance. Today's pastors are spiritual criminals. They reject the truth. They refuse to heed to sound doctrine. 

I am talking about terrible devil men like Pastor Marty Herron, who destroyed the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, corrupting it for 19 years. That wicked man has rivers of blood on his dirty hands (including my shed blood)! Woe unto neo-evangelical infidels in church pulpits today. They play God with people's lives, selectively deciding who matters and who doesn't in the church. It is wickedness!!! God's curse is upon the Bob Jones crowd.

The Devil controls the ungodly newsmedia, which has brutally attacked independent Baptist churches in recent decades. Of course, there is no such thing as “the Baptist church.” Albeit, if you want to find a King James Bible only, free grace Gospel preaching, door-to-door soulwinning ministry, with a thriving bus ministry, you'll have to find a Baptist church!!!

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