Saturday, June 12, 2021

Beware Of Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary

Titus 1:10-14, “For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.”

Beware of this religious cult! Marty Herron is a wolf in sheep's clothing. When I attended Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2014, Pastor Herron horribly abused me, forcing me out of church because I befriended him with THE TRUTH that Lordship Salvation is a perversion of God's grace. I had no church family for years to come. When I pleaded for his help in 2017, he left me for dead and told me to, "Go elsewhere." What kind of pastor does that? Herron is a monster! That wicked man has no idea of the pain, suffering and loss he has caused in my personal life, and he will pay for it one day in eternity. Herron runs this shady college in Iowa, where I wouldn't send my dog! Herron preaches a misunderstood repentance of forsaking a sinful lifestyle to be saved, which is works, not a free grace Gospel of faith alone. These infidels promote dozens of Devil's Bibles, which confuse everyone.  Marty Herron is an unsaved man who only serves his belly and hides hatred behind lying lips. 

Dr. Steve Pettit has been the president of Bob Jones University since 2014, preaching hardcore Calvinism. These are good men as far as the world is concerned, but devils in God's sight because they damn men's souls to Hell with a perverted gospel. I have NOTHING nice to say about infidels who are leading thousands of naïve people into the fires of Hell forever!!! We sometimes foolishly confuse our American freedom of speech with the truth. Just because someone has a legal right to say something doesn't make it acceptable in God's sight. Abortion is legal in the United States, but God call it murder (Exodus 20:12). Steve Pettit and Marty Herron have the freedom to preach doctrines of devils, sanctioning John MacArthur's Satanic ministry, but God's curse is upon all of them for it (Galatians 1:6-9). Pastor MacArthur is now in his 80's, nearing eternity and God's judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

It frustrates me often that these wicked false teachers are getting away with what they are doing. Their churches are full of deceived people. Their private schools are full of deceived students. Gary Walton makes me sick! He is the ungodly pastor of the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam since 2018. Gary doesn't care about truth or people, just making himself look good, and his accursed paycheck. These parasites put on a great show, luring in victims, damning people's souls to Hell forever with Lordship Salvation and False Repentance. They all teach the false idea that to be saved you must forsake your sinful lifestyle. If you refuse to attempt to forsake your sinning, they accuse you of not repenting, and say you cannot be saved until you do. This is not God's grace! 

Yet, Marty Herron gets paid a 6-digit salary in Iowa, as the executive vice president of Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, destroying young people's lives. These God damned infidels are the biggest threat to churches across America and the world today! Yet, I feel like I am the only one who is taking a stand against them. Nearly every Baptist church that I attend or visit their website, I find the same misunderstood repentance (aka, turning from sin with all your heart to be saved) lie. That is not what repentance means in the Bible, at all. Repentance is turning toward God (Acts 20:21). Repentance is acknowledging the truth that you are a guilty sinner (Romans 3:29-20). Repentance DOESN'T include nor allow for penitence, penance or reformation. These are separate things entirely! 

If I had the power, Marty Herron would be in prison behind bars for decades to come, for his cruelty and sending thousands of souls to Hell. But I find solace in knowing that God will burn Marty Herron in the fires of Hell (Matthew 7:21-23). I do not want anybody to burn in Hell, but I want to see THE TRUTH vindicated. I want to see Marty Herron punished for his lies, deceit, arrogance and for throwing me under the bus in 2014 to 2018 because I befriended him by telling him THE TRUTH. Herron rejected the truth I gave him 100%! I pray for God to avenge me for the evils done unto me by this wicked man in Ankeny, Iowa. RUN from this place where he manages their curriculum and operations. This man is a living devil.

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