Thursday, March 25, 2021

Sheol Is Not The Same Meaning As Hell

Psalm 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

One of the worst corruptions in the Devil's modern Bible versions is the changing of the word “hell” in the Old Testament to “Sheol.” The word “hell” clearly has negative connotations to it, implying eternal damnation. Whereas the word “Sheol” simply means “realm of the dead.” The incompetent translators of the New International Version (NIV) changed the Bible to say this:

NIV - Psalm 9:17, “The wicked go down to the realm of the dead, all the nations that forget God.”

Although technically that is what the Hebrew word Sheol means, realm of the dead, it makes no sense within the context of Psalm 9:17. The 54 King James translators understood this. If the wicked and all the nations that forget God go to the realm of the dead, then where do the righteous go? Sheol is not limited to just refer to the grave. It is a broad term. The King James translators understood that Psalm 9:17 is clearly promising eternal damnation for the wicked. What the NIV says is meaningless, because the righteous also go to the realm of the dead. So what would be the threat or warning if the word “hell is removed?

Bob Jones University (BJU) uses, sells and promotes the English Standard Version (ESV), which changes Psalm 9:17 to horrible say:

ESV -  Psalm 9:17, “The wicked shall return to Sheol, all the nations that forget God.”

Again, this is meaningless. When an unlearned person reads this in these modern Bibles, they do not think of a place of eternal damnation, as God intended. It is obvious from this passage in the King James Bible that God is warning the wicked, and all those who forget Him, that they SHALL BE TURNED INTO HELL. There is no question as to the intended meaning. Yet, when a baby believer, or unsaved person, reads Psalm 9:17 in one of these Satanic corrupted modern perversions of the Bible, they will not understand it. What does Sheol mean? Most people won't know, but everyone knows what hell means. Psalm 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

The Hebrew word Sheol refers to the “realm of the dead, which is not the same as the grave. I had a Mormon boss many years ago approach me at work. His name was Chuck. Chuck had written down some Bible verses from the Old Testament containing Sheol (hell), one of which was Psalm 9:17. Chuck kindly said, “If you'll look up these Scripture passages, you'll see that 'hell' is the word Sheol, which only refers to 'the grave,' not a burning place of fire and brimstone.” Mormons don't believe in eternal fire for the unsaved. Neither do Jehovah's Witnesses or Seventh-Day Adventists. These three religious groups are all damnable cults, which deny the existence of a burning Hell with fire and brimstone for all Christ rejecters.

The realm of the dead was a mystery, as is death today. No one has ever seen what is beyond the grave. Some people claim to have seen visions while clinically dead for a few minutes, but we have no way of confirming their claims, and some of the things they say are very strange and bizarre. The Bible says in Hebrews 1:2 that God speaks to us today through His Son, the Word of God (John 1:1-3, 14; Revelation 19:13). God does not speak to humanity through people's dreams, visions and private interpretation of the Scriptures. We all have the same Holy Bible, the same light of the truth given unto us. Sheol simply means that when you die, you go to where the dead go. This does not limit the term to merely the grave, as is abundantly made clear in Psalm 9:17. This passage of Scripture makes adamantly clear, that the wicked go to A DIFFERENT PLACE after death than do the righteous. The corrupt modern Bible revisions remove this important doctrinal distinction.

It is bad enough that Mormons, JW's and SDA's all deny the reality of Hell, but then the Devil's modern Bible PERversions remove the word hell from the Old Testament. Sheol does not refer to merely the grave, which the 54 King James translators obviously understood, which is why they wisely chose to use the proper word “hell in Psalm 9:17. Right doctrine matters folks. I like something that Pastor Bob Gray Sr. said, exposing the ungodly Bob Jones University crowd today:

“False bibles come from false premises. We have found ourselves downplaying verbal inspiration at the expense of so-called higher education and Christian publications. The attempt by Bob Jones University and other Bible colleges to establish the premise of thought inspiration is, and should be, astounding to fundamentalists everywhere.” SOURCE

We have an inspired and infallible English Bible today in the precious King James Bible. Beware of The Crown College, Pensacola Christian College, Hyles-Anderson College, Maranatha Baptist University, Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, Bob Jones University, and other apostate institutions today that deny the inspiration and infallibility of the King James Bible. The King James Bible is not the BEST Bible version, it is the ONLY accurate Bible in English today. I have shown you another clear example from Psalm 9:17 of how the Devil's new Bibles pervert right doctrine and confuse everyone. Right doctrine matters!

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