Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Matthew 15:7-8, Wicked Pastors Have Blood On Hands

Matthew 15:7-9, “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

What a powerful passage of Scripture! We've got a bunch of pastors and churches all over the world, where they sing their sycophantic praises every Sunday, and listen to their pastors preach another gospel that complicates God's free grace, doing far more damage than good. The Bible says they worship God in vain. It is meaningless, a total waste of everyone's time and money, because they are not worshipping God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). The truth has few friends these days. 

In this blog about 'Right Doctrine Matters,' I am not just commenting on verses throughout the Bible, I am PREACHING THE TRUTH!!! That is the great thing lacking in today's churches... BIBLE PREACHING!!! Apostates like Pastor Steven Furtick, with his $1,600,000 new mansion in Charlotte, North Carolina, are sending the world to Hell. Furtick comes out with his electric guitar, jamming to Joan Jett's song: 'I Love Rock N' Roll.' That is a devil for a pastor! Furtick never preaches, he wows the audience with psychology. The world has no place in the New Testament church, nor shallow messages that leave off the doctrine of Christ. 

Sadly, Furtick manages to draw in 8,000 people each Sunday. This just shows the apostate condition of America today! 2nd Timothy 4:3, For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;Thrill seekers today want a God who accepts them as they are, and not a God Who demands holiness and separation from the sinful world. It matters not that God does not require changing one's life to be saved, people still won't attend a church that teaches God expects Christians to live holy lives because they are saved. Please notice the words sound doctrine in 2nd Timothy 4:3. I was driven out of Harvest Baptist Church of Guam because I gave them SOUND DOCTRINE. From 2014 until this very day in 2021, I am still not allowed to attend church services at Harvest. I stop preaching against them when they repent (change their mind). But that would mean embracing a truth-teller, and false prophets won't do that. It is so sad and tragic. I feel sorry for the young people being misled.

Pastor Marty Herron Has Blood On His Hands

I haven't been allowed to attend church since 2014 because of Pastor Marty Herron. I've had nowhere else to go on Guam. The nurse (Kris) at Harvest Baptist Church of Guam, who was interesting in marrying me, didn't because of Pastor Herron's meddling. They made fun of Kris because I am older than her. I do curse Marty Herron's name, and I pray and hope God makes him pay someday. Herron must answer to God and I want to be there when he does. This is about justice, not forgiveness! I detest self-righteous Neo-evangelical pastors, who play God with people's lives, hurt truth-tellers like me, and are woefully indifferent toward right doctrine and the infallibility of God's Word. Mr. Herron is now getting paid a sickening 6-digit salary in Iowa as executive vice president of Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary. Hell is coming to get him when God calls his number! If you are wrong on grace, you are going to Hell forever.

I Am Being Punished For Telling THE TRUTH

Kindly said, Pastor Marty Herron belongs in prison. Dr. Herron hasn't righted his wrongs, and in my case it is too late, the damage is done. I have no one and am alone because of him. All I pleaded with him for, was the chance to come back to church in 2017 (three times), to be a part of the church family who once embraced me for a year in 2013 and 2014. They axed me like a turkey on Thanksgiving Day, showing no compassion, no mercy, no second chances, only contempt for a hurting man. A hurting dog barks! What was my great offence? It was for the very title of this blog: Right Doctrine Matters! As a true friend does, I spent thousands of dollars on DVD King James Bibles by Alexander Scourby, books by fundamentalist preachers, and I freely gave them all away to others at church. 

It was my joy to share and help others grow closer to Christ. But Harvest's wicked pastors took offense with Pastor Jack Hyles' sermons on the King James Bible. They were offended because they are deceived! Harvest Baptist Church uses, sells and promotes the Devil's Bibles, for which I was driven out of the church and ostracized. Those pastors at Harvest (Joe Hanson, Jared Baldwin, Gary Walton, Marty Herron and all the rest) has better hope and pray that I am not correct about the corrupt Bibles they promote. If in fact the Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort produced modern Bibles are of the Devil, those pastors have my blood all over their hands. 

I have suffered inexplicable painful loneliness, rejection, being shunned, enduring hateful looks for years from my neighbours who attend Harvest Baptist Church, being laughed at in public by Harvest staff members, isolated, feeling like a bad person, and wanting to commit suicide during the holidays—all because Pastors' Marty Herron and Gary Walton think I am a heretic! They had better hope to God that there are in fact dozens of accurate English Bible versions, in spite of the FACT that God only authored ONE BOOK! If I am right, woe, woe, be unto the ungodly pastors of Harvest Baptist Church of Guam. Marty Herron cannot escape the wrath of almighty God. He can hide, but he cannot flee THE TRUTH.

If I am right about the Free Grace Gospel, that we are saved simply by childlike faith; then woe, woe, woe be unto the Bob Jones University crowd with their damnable doctrine of Lordship Salvation. Woe, woe, be unto the Harvest Baptist Church of Guam and the Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis for adding “turning from sins to faith alone. Not one verse in the Bible says to repent of your sin to be saved. It simply says to repent (i.e., to think differently), and in many cases (such as Acts 2:38) we only find the word repent without any mention of believing to be saved. This is because repentance and faith are one and the same act. The man who repents has believed. 

Even God repented in the Bible. Was God turning from His sins? No, of course not. God simply changed His mind. Jonah 3:9, “Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not?” It is one's unbelief that makes them lost. Christ came to save us from our sins, not demand that we first reform (turn from our sins) as a requirement to receive God's free gift of eternal life. I have met countless people who were confused about their salvation because of bad preachers like Charles Phelps, Marty Herron, Steve Pettit, Sam Horn, John MacArthur, Gary Walton and Ray Comfort.

There Are Many Tares In The Bob Jones University Camp

While at Harvest Baptist Church of Guam I witnessed to one of their deacons and staff members. He didn't know he was saved and came to me as a friend, worried about it. I gladly helped him and showed him the simple free grace Gospel. I love helping people, and people pick up on that quickly. My friend said to me with tears in his eyes, “Why don't our pastors teach things like that?” I'll tell you why, because Marty Herron is incompetent as a pastor, and he absolutely has no business being in the religious business. The Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary is as the sinking Titanic with Herron leading that cesspool of iniquity today! 

The Lord never intended for the New Testament Church to become a stinking business. That's all Harvest Baptist Church on Guam is—a lousy business! They have emphasized the business of religious education, and neglected the Master's business of soulwinning! HBC is about making money, plain and simple. That is why they have rejected and ostracized me since 2014, because I do increase their revenues! Gary Walton belongs in prison! Steve Pettit belongs in prison! Charles Phelps belongs in prison! These weak men disgust God. I am contending for the Christian faith (Jude 1:3). Right doctrine matters! 

Matthew 15:7-9, “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Pastor Herron worships God in vain, and so does Gary Walton and his misled followers at HBC Guam. Their 'Family Life Center' should be renamed to the 'Family Death Center'! Lordship Salvation is a perversion of God's free grace, which complicates the Gospel. They worship God in vain!

Dear friend, we've got a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites corrupting our churches today, who think they know it all. I'm talking about the dead Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis where Pastor Herron preaches his Lordship Salvation heresy. Anyone who would invite Marty Herron is of the Devil. I am just thankful to be out of that cold dead church at the Harvest Baptist Church of Guam. I used to come home from church to listen to hard Bible preaching by Pastor Jack Hyles, to recover from an hour of listening to Pastor Marty Herron put everyone to sleep with his sermonettes. 
That place (Harvest Baptist Church, Guam) is a cult.

'Colonial Hills Baptist Church' In Indianapolis Is A Cult

That place (Colonial Hills Baptist Church, Indianapolis) is a cult. Everyone seems miserable and it’s because of Lordship Salvation. They are all trying to produce a righteousness inside themselves that would be acceptable to God without the Holy Spirit inside them, but that is not possible. I prayed about the Holy Spirit one time during group prayer meeting, and Tammy Herron looked at me like she had seen a ghost. Those people are missing the Holy Spirit, because they have the WRONG GOSPEL!!! I am not trying to be unkind, I am telling THE TRUTH, for which I still am not allowed to attend Harvest in 2021. To Hell with them all!!!

I speak to the shame of Pastor Gary Walton at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I pray for God to avenge me night and day of these wicked pastors, who arrogantly spit on the Lord Jesus Christ with their dozens of corrupt Bible revisions, and spit on the Lord Jesus Christ with their misunderstood repentance and Lordship Salvation heresy. 
I speak to the shame of Pastor Marty Herron for perverting God's grace, adding to faith to be saved. They are modern day Pharisees. Just like Pastor John MacArthur, they don’t believe in the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin. As Pastor Jack Hyles said, “they are trying to give the pilot a Reese’s cup” trying to prove their own “election.” 

God Made The Gospel Simple, Not Complicated

Folks, we need to leave the Gospel alone and preach the simplicity that is in Christ, not complicate matters by requiring people to turn away from their sinning (which is a very difficult thing to do). Today's Neo-evangelical pastors have much blood on their hands. Their gospel is not our Gospel. They are all moved away from the hope of the Gospel. Dr. Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968) had the Gospel right, who said in 1945:
“God gives you eternal life when you take Him. Eternal life is wrapped up in Christ. 'He that hath the Son hath life.' There is just one difference between a Christian and a sinner. A Christian has Christ and a sinner does not have Him. That is the only difference. All you need is Jesus. It is all in Jesus! If you will take Him, He will blot out all your sins. If you take Him, He will give you a new nature. If you take Him, He will go with you along the journey of life. He will be with you when you are tempted. He will put arms of power around you and give you the victory. 'By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast.” —Dr. Bob Jones Sr., “Things I Have Learned: Chapel Talks,” page 223; Bob Jones University Press, ©1945
Somewhere along the way Bob Jones College moved away from the hope of the Gospel, embracing Dr. John MacArthur's damnable heresy of Calvinism (aka, Lordship Salvation). Notice carefully what Dr. Bob Jones Sr. wisely says, that sound doctrine flows out of a correct understanding of the Gospel:
“Sound doctrine flows out of the saving doctrine of the grace of Jesus Christ, according to this passage in 1st Timothy chapter one. It describes the faith of the Gospel. These verses say that any manner of life, for the saved person, that doesn't flow out of the Gospel is sin.” —Bob Jones III, a quote from his excellent sermon titled: “The Faith Of The Gospel, Part 4”
The sad truth is that BJU has changed their position of repentance, the Bible and salvation. They will falsely claim that they haven't changed, but I dare you to go look at the only Bible they used in 1927 when they opened their doors. It was the King James Bible, period. When they say on their website that they haven't changed, what they're really saying is that they never took a stand for the Bible, because it wasn't an issue back then. Well it is now honey! The Gospel doesn't change over time. The inspired and infallible Word of God is still the same today as it was when God gave it to men thousands of years ago. Truth is absolute, it never changes, but men do change, which is why we must diligently contend for the faith...
“Our Christian faith is not a generational thing. The Bible says it's from generation to generation. It's eternal. It's from everlasting to everlasting. Luke 1:50 speaks about that, and Psalms 78:4-6 speaks about it. Styles change, architecture changes, technology changes, but truth doesn't change! If God's truth was sacred to Paul, it's got to be sacred to us and all generations. The sacredness of God's truth is not generational.” —Bob Jones III, a quote from his excellent sermon titled: “The Faith Of The Gospel, Part 4”
Too many pastors are in their own little zone, making money in the pastorate as a profession. What they ought to be doing is taking a stand for THE TRUTH, honoring their calling to the pulpit as a preacher of THE TRUTH. Lordship Salvation is not the truth. Misunderstood repentance is not the truth. Dozens of English Bible revisions are not the truth. The inspired King James Bible is truth. The Free Grace Gospel is the truth. Right doctrine matters folks. The Bible you use matters, because it dictates your doctrine. The words contained in the different Bible revisions matter, because God only meant one thing, not dozens. 

Worshipping God In Vain With Manmade Teachings

There simply cannot be dozens of different Bibles in any particular language. I absolutely reject the insane idea that we don't have an infallible and inspired Bible today by God. The Lord PROMISED to keep and preserve His PURE WORDS forever (Psalms 12:6-7). Every single one of today's Devil's Bibles corrupt and remove God's promise from Psalms 12:6-7. See for yourself dear friend what the Devil has done!!! What is wrong with pastor's today? What is wrong with the churches? What is wrong with the Bible colleges? Why is it human nature to merely go along with the crowd, no matter how wrong they are? Herd mentality is dangerous. The Bible proclaims that “The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17b). So where does Marty Herron come off demanding that people repent of your sins to be saved? Herron has blood on his hands, because he is adding to the Scripture, perverting grace.

Matthew 15:7-9, “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” The Bob Jones Crowd are worshipping God in vain, promoting their manmade teaching that requires that you turn away from your sin to be saved. Throughout history you'll find mixed teachings. Some men preached Lordship Salvation. Other men preached salvation by faith alone. Since the beginning of human civilization, as evidenced by the conflict between Cain and Abel, we see that there has always existed a raging battle between faith versus works for salvation. I hope you will choose faith alone.

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