Sunday, October 8, 2023

Beware Of Baptist Churches That Teach Lordship Salvation

Galatians 1:9, “As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”

Sadly, I never thought the day would come when some "Baptists" would be added with JW's, SDA's, Mormons, Roman Catholics and Church of Christ to the kingdom of the cults. Baptists today who preach the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation are religious cults, not New Testament churches. As an example: Pastor Sam Adams of the Independent Baptist Church in Ocala, Florida errantly teaches that a person must TURN FROM SIN to be saved.

Pastor Adams says a lot of great things. Here's an example from his church website:
Bro. Adams is resolutely opposed to any attempt by the State to control the Lord’s Church, and also to the fascist corporate takeover of the American government and the resulting destruction of American liberty, the rising Marxist militarized police state, and the absorption of America into the rising “New World Order” global government of the antichrist.

That is very true and I commend Pastor Adams for exposing corruption and evil. However, as Dr. Curtis Hutson (1934-1995) wisely said, "If a man is wrong on repentance he will be wrong on everything." You simply cannot trust a preacher who is wrong on God's simple plan of salvation.

Pastor Adams errantly requires lost sinners to "turn from sin" to get to Heaven, when no such requirement is found anywhere in the inspired King James Bible. When the Philippian jailer in Rome asked Paul and Silas, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” in Acts 16:30, their answer in verse 31 was simply to: BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.

To be saved a man simply needs to understand why he needs to be saved, because he is a guilty sinner in God's sight (Romans 3:19-20); and because there is a penalty for sin, which is death, including the "second death" in Hell (Romans 6:23; Revelation 21:8). You must accept the FACTS that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, the Christ; and that He died on a cross to pay for your sins, was buried, but three days later Jesus physically resurrected from the dead. These three facts are biblically called, "the gospel" (1st Corinthians 15:1-4).

Any pastor who embellishes the Gospel, adding things that God does not require to be saved, RUN from that place. None of the following things are required to be saved:
  1. Pray a prayer
  2. Turn from sin
  3. Repent of sin
  4. Become a Christ follower
  5. Invite Christ into your life
  6. Thank God for loving you
  7. Surrender all to Christ
  8. Tell God you need forgiveness
  9. Tell God you need His salvation
  10. Ask Jesus to enter into your heart
  11. Ask Jesus to change you
  12. Ask Jesus to give you His presence
  13. Ask Jesus to help you follow Him
  14. Receive Jesus as Lord
  15. Commit your life to Jesus
  16. Deny self and carry your cross
  17. Have a relationship with Jesus
  18. Repent to change your behavior
None of those things are biblical. To be saved, faith is the only righteous thing that I can do. Nothing more is required than your childlike faith (trust) in the 'GOOD NEWS' (GOSPEL) of Jesus' crucifixtion, burial and bodily resurrection. To be saved you need to know some facts:
  • WHO Jesus is - He is the only begotten Son of God, the Christ.
  • WHAT Jesus did - He died on a cross to pay for our sins. He was buried. Three days later Jesus physically raised up from the dead.
  • WHY Jesus did it - Because you and I are guilty sinners; eternal damnation in Hell is the penalty for our sinning.
If you understand these FACTS and place your FAITH in what Christ has done through Calvary's cross to pay your sin debt, you are saved. I encourage you dear reader to read a helpful book by Michael P. Bowen titled: 'I NEVER KNEW YOU.' Thank you for reading my blog and God bless.

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