Sunday, January 9, 2022

The Insane Dinosaur Theory Of Young Earthers

1st Timothy 6:20-21, "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen."

“Science without religion is lame,
religion without science is blind.”
—Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Someone handed me a book recently, trying to convince me of a Young Earth theory. I explained to them my Old Earth position, but told them that I would read the book with an open mind and be honest. The book is titled, “THE CREATION ANSWERS BOOK,” co-authored by Don Batten, David Catchpoole, Jonathan Sarfati, Carl Wieland and various other contributing writers. I learned a long time ago that someone's most ridiculous argument is the most damning information against them, which can be used to discredit the rest of their work or beliefs:

For example: Jehovah's Witnesses successfully confuse many unsaved people on the matter of Jesus' deity, teaching people that Jesus is “a god” but not “THE GOD.” However, what Jehovah's Witnesses DON'T teach people upfront is that they believe Michael the archangel became Jesus. When you present this ridiculous information to an honest person, they can much more easily recognize the Jehovah's Witnesses as a satanic religious cult. Of course, the Word of God totally disagrees. The Bible teaches that the Godhead became incarnate (flesh) in the earthly person of Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3,14; Colossians 2:9 — King James Bible). The Bible teaches that Jesus is almighty God, the revelation of the unseen Father (1st Timothy 3:16; John 10:33; Revelation 1:8 — King James Bible).

Likewise, the most ridiculous information (argument) put forth in the book “THE CREATION ANSWERS BOOK” is concerning dinosaurs and man co-existing. The four authors teach that Noah took baby dinosaurs onto the ark, which is the same garbage that Ken Ham teaches. On pages 247-248 we read:
“Given the different dinosaur species that have been identified, and the huge size of some of them [e.g., Seismosaurus, on the basis of fossil reconstructions attained lengths of 45 metres (150 feet)], some people might wonder how Noah could have taken all the dinosaur kinds onto the Ark. However, when one considers the following, there is no problem.

1. Only around 55 dinosaur 'kinds'

In Chapter 13, we discussed how Noah did not need to take all species (a notoriously flexible concept) on board the Ark, but only pairs of each created kind. The same principle applies to dinosaurs. So Noah's Ark did not have to carry the 668 or so named species of dinosaurs, rather, just the representative 'kinds' (Genesis 6:20)—of which it has been estimated there were only 55.”

SOURCE: “THE CREATION ANSWERS BOOK,” copyright 2006 by Creative Ministries International; pages 247-248.
At the bottom of page 248, the book has a footnote that claims there are many duplicate names for dinosaurs, and that the actual number of species is “greatly inflated.” This claim may actually have some merit, as National Geographic reports. However, as the National Geographic article says, there is not enough fossil evidence to prove the claim one way or the other. Wikipedia says there is a list of 1,466 dinosaur species, of which 1,080 are considered valid. This is certainly much higher than the alleged 55 species that “THE CREATION ANSWERS BOOK” claims. The question is, “Could all those dinosaurs fit on the Ark?” I think not! The very idea is absurd!

Check out this page from National Geographic's on Big Bad Bizarre Dinosaurs! (check out those TEETH). Did Noah bring these onto the Ark? I think not! ...
“After two centuries of paleontological harvest, the evidence seems stranger than any fable, and continues to get stranger. Dozens of new species emerge each year; China and Argentina are hot spots lately for startling new finds. Contemplating the bizarre specimens recently come to light, one cannot but wonder what on earth Nature was thinking of. What advantage was conferred, say, by the ungainly eight-foot-long (2.4 meters) arms and huge triple claws of Deinocheirus? Or, speaking of arms, by Mononykus's smug dependence on a single, stoutly clawed digit at the end of each minimal forearm? Guesses can be hazarded: The latter found a single stubby claw just the thing for probing after insects; the former stripped the leaves and bark from trees in awesome bulk. A carnivorous cousin, Deinonychus, about the size of a man, leaped on its prey, wrapped its long arms and three-fingered hands around it, and kicked it to the death with sickle-shaped toenails.”

Read here about new Horned Dinosaurs that have been found by archaeologists. Noah's Ark would have to keep increasing in size, because more and more species of dinosaurs are being discovered every year! The ark was big, but not THAT BIG! Look at some of these Prehistoric Creatures. They're called “prehistoric” for a good reason, that is, they existed before human history!!!

When I went to Los Angeles for neck surgery in 2009, I visited the famous LA BREA TAR PITS MUSEUM in downtown Los Angeles. They are literal tar pits, stinking with hot bubbling black tar. Some squirrels and birds get entrapped in the tar pits by accident and die unintentionally. I watched them doing some live excavations inside the Museum, still digging up fossils and meticulously sorting through them with special equipment and a magnifying glass to find fossils.

I sincerely, but ignorantly, went inside and asked where the dinosaurs were? The attendant laughed and said there were no dinosaurs there, only prehistoric Mammals. I was fascinated by that. It is a special museum just for prehistoric mammals, and not for dinosaurs like The Field Museum in Chicago. Inside the entrance was a giant Mammoth with giant tusks, and a Sabertooth tiger, and other hairy creatures as tall as the ceiling. How did Noah fit all the thousands of prehistoric mammals and creatures besides dinosaurs onto the ark? Clearly, Noah did not! Furthermore, even if dinosaurs did survive the flood, there is no record of them going extinct. Science shows that it was the Ice Age that wiped out the dinosaurs from the earth 65,000,000 years ago.

I love Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980), but disagree with his Young Earth view. Dr. Rice believed that dinosaurs existed in Genesis, but that Noah left the dinosaurs behind. Brother Rice taught that dinosaurs lived in remote areas away from major living centers, just as wild animals like lions and hippopotamuses live today in remote areas and the jungles of Africa, India and South America. However, there is nothing in the Bible to indicate that Noah was told by God to leave certain animals behind. Even the birds couldn't have survived without being sheltered onboard the Ark.

I don't see Noah bringing prehistoric Pterodactyls on board (really big birds). If you consider all the thousands of species that exist in the world today, and all the thousands of extinct prehistoric creatures, there's no way possible that Noah could have brought them all on the Ark for their shear size. Noah had plenty of room for all the animals, insects, reptiles, birds and living creatures which God led to the ark in pairs. The dinosaurs didn't have a ticket to ride.

Nearly All Old Earth Advocates Are Not Evolutionists

If you research the writings of Young Earth advocates, you'll notice that they continually grasp for straws, desperately trying to make a case where there is no case. Most Young Earthers attempt to turn Old Earthers into evolutionists, and that is 80% to 90% of their argument. Take for example the book titled, “5 REASONS TO BELIEVE IN RECENT CREATION,” by Henry Morris III. Here are his five reasons to believe in a Young Earth:
The Bible does not allow an evolutionary interpretation.
Science does not observe evolution happening today.
There is no evidence evolution took place in the past.
God's character absolutely forbids evolutionary methods.
God's purpose for creation excludes evolution.

SOURCE: “5 REASONS TO BELIEVE IN RECENT CREATION,” by Henry Morris III; Table Of Contents; copyright 2008, Institute For Creation Research.
Notice carefully that in all 5 reasons submitted by Dr. Morris, he attempts to disprove an Old Earth by turning proponents of an Old Earth into evolutionists. Most proponents of an Old Earth DON'T believe in the evolutionary process (that is, the teaching that the universe formed from a Big Bang 13 billion years ago, and then evolved, and continues to evolve). I am a firm believer in an Old Earth, yet I do NOT believe in evolution in any way, fashion or form. Neither do I believe in Theistic Evolution (that is, the teaching that God created the universe, and then it evolved). I believe the inspired holy Bible, which teaches that God created everything from nothing by the Word of His mouth. 2nd Peter 3:5, “For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water.”

When you take away the teachings of evolution, Young Earth proponents lose nearly all of their ammunition. Dr. Morris' entire book is based upon the presumption that Young Earthers are evolutionists. It is unscholarly and dishonest to label one's opponents as being something that they are not. I am NOT an evolutionist!

The truth is that God created the earth long, long, ago. It was a pre-Adamic world. Humanity had not yet been created. When Lucifer and one-third of the angels were cast down, God in his anger laid the earth waste. I believe the following passage of Scripture from the Old Testament is compelling evidence which cannot be ignored...
Jeremiah 4:23-26, “I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.”
The following passage of Scripture concerning Lucifer evidences an Old Earth...
Isaiah 14:12, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”
Here are some interesting questions concerning Lucifer:
  1. Where was Lucifer when he said, “I will ASCEND into heaven?” Clearly he was not in heaven at the time.
  2. Where was Lucifer when he said, “I will ascend ABOVE THE HEIGHTS OF THE CLOUDS”? How do you ascend above the clouds unless you are below the clouds?
The only logical answer is that Lucifer was on earth, under the clouds, which is where his throne was located before man was created. There are many problems with a Young Earth view. I respect the right of others to have their own opinions. It is ok to agree to disagree. Most believers in churches today are proponents of a Young Earth view.

I realize that it is much easier to just decide to believe in Creationism and totally reject any ruin-reconstruction or gap principle teachings; however, there are just too many Biblical and scientific inconsistencies with a Young Earth to disregard it. And by the way, I do believe in Creationism (that is, I do believe that God literally created the world as we know it today in 6-days). These weren't thousand-day periods, they were 24 hour days! But I also believe that there was a Pre-Adamic world, between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2c, which is commonly called “THE GAP THEORY.” I like “GAP PRINCIPLE” better, because this is what the Bible teaches.

I'll tell you, this is a raging debate. Young Earthers commonly attack the salvation of proponents of an Old Earth, accusing them of corrupting the Gospel. May I say, 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 defines the Gospel as the DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ from the dead after three days. This is the Gospel and it does not include creation as Henry Morris III claims on pages 44-45 of his book titled, “5 REASONS TO BELIEVE IN RECENT CREATION.”

Did you know that the Young Earth heresy started with the Seventh-Day Adventists and Ellen G. White? The Young Earth view didn't exist until Seventh-Day Adventism. The false religion of Seventh-Day Adventism literally worship the Sabbath Day (which is why they meet on Saturdays instead of Sundays), which consequently compels SDA's to worship creation too, since God rested on the 7th day from His work. The Bible totally disagrees with a Young Earth view. For an excellent exegesis on this subject, please watch Pastor Max Younce in a series of Bible studies titled: 'The Fallacies Of A Young Earth Series' (by Dr. Max D. Younce)

The Spirit Of God Didn't Move Until Genesis 1:2c

God rested on the 7th day, to look over His work and “IT WAS VERY GOOD.” This is in drastic contrast to the void earth, darkened and without form between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.

Notice in the following Scriptures that God saw everything that He MADE was GOOD...
Genesis 1:4, “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.”
Genesis 1:10, And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.”
Genesis 1:12, “And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Genesis 1:18, “And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:21, “And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Genesis 1:25, “And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Genesis 1:31, “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”
How then could the earth be without form and void in Genesis 1:1-1:2? And notice very carefully WHEN the Spirit of God began to move to create:
Genesis 1:1-2, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
I don't know why I hadn't seen that phrase years earlier, but it just jumped out at me today while I was studying this passage. The Bible plainly says that “THE SPIRIT OF GOD MOVED UPON THE FACE OF THE WATERS.” The Spirit of God isn't mentioned in Genesis 1:1 to 2:1b. We just read that God created (absolute) the universe. Clearly, something bad happened between Genesis 1:1a and 1:2c. And then In Genesis 1:2c we read that the omnipotent Spirit of God went to work, moving upon the face of the waters.

God did NOT create (Hebrew: bara) the world in a CHAOTIC condition. God did NOT create the world in the WASTE condition that Young Earth people claim. It became that way the Bible says. The earth became uninhabitable, so God had to remodel the earth to make it inhabitable for mankind.

Hell was created for the Devil and his angels, not Adam and Eve. So the Devil and his angels existed before man.

Satan Was Already In The Garden Of Eden

Consider that the serpent (Satan according to Revelation 20:2) was already present in the Garden of Eden, which plainly evidences that the angels had already fallen before man was created. So sin did exist before man, when Lucifer and one-third of the angels rebelled against God. It was the sin of the angels that stirred God's wrath to destroy the earth prior to mankind. If, as Youth Earthers claim, the universe did not exist prior to the Genesis account of creation (beginning in Genesis 1:2), then there would have been no time for the angels to fall, or for Lucifer to rebel against God.

Adam Named Every Living Creature, But Not The Extinct Dinosaurs

Another piece of evidence in support of an Old Earth is the fact that Adam DIDN'T name even one of the dinosaurs:
Genesis 2:19, “And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”
As you just read, the Bible says that Adam named “EVERY LIVING CREATURE.” Yet, all of the names given to dinosaurs have been provided by modern-day scientists. Adam couldn't name the dinosaurs because they were already extinct. The Bible plainly teaches that Adam named EVERY LIVING CREATURE. If, as Young Earthers claim, dinosaurs co-existed with man, then Adam would have given names to all of the dinosaurs, but he did not. In sharp contrast to the unscholarly grasping for straws by Young Earthers, the evidence for an Old Earth is plain to see. The truth is like the moon and the sun, that is, it can only be hid for so long. The truth always becomes self-evident over time; whereas falsehoods and heresies must continually be bolstered up and propagated.

Whacky Young Earthers Claim Dinosaurs On Ark Grew Slower

The book's authors desperately grasp for straws to boost up their straw-man heresy:
“God could well have chosen specimens He knew would undergo their growth spurt as soon as they left the Ark. This would solve the common skeptical objections of fitting and feeding huge dinosaurs on the Ark. That is, the dinosaurs weren't actually that huge while they were on board. The growth spurt just after leaving the Ark would also mean that they could quickly outgrow potential predators.”

SOURCE: “THE CREATION ANSWERS BOOK,” copyright 2006 by Creative Ministries International; pages 247-248.
What you've just read is typical of the unscholarly rubbish, bizarre assumptions and junk science of Young Earth advocates! Since there is no logical way that hundreds of dinosaur species could fit onto the Ark, Young Earth advocates are forced to shrink the size of the dinosaurs, minimize the number of dinosaurs, and even slow down their growth rate! How ludicrous! This is the “science falsely so-called” that the Bible warns us about in 1st Timothy 6:20. Clearly, dinosaurs DIDN'T co-exist with mankind.
1st Timothy 6:20, “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.”
The Bible warns us about “OPPOSITIONS TO SCIENCE”! The Greek word for “oppositions” in 1st Timothy 6:20 is antithesis and means “conflict” (i.e., a conflicting theory). The word “science” is the Greek word gnosis and means “knowing” (i.e., knowledge). Thus, the Bible is warning us to avoid conflicting theories with factual science. For something to be true science (meaning: the study of), it must first be observable, testable and documentable. Evolution is none of these! Certainly, the bogus theory of evolution conflicts with all established laws and principles of legitimate science. Evolution is FALSE science!

Furthermore, the claim that dinosaurs lived amongst man and boarded the ark of Noah's time is also a gross opposition of legitimate science! Beware of anyone who teaches that dinosaurs boarded Noah's ark! Nor did dinosaurs live at the same time as men. Science proves that the earth is very old, just as the Bible teaches in Psalms 102:25, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.”

The Bible plainly teaches an Old Earth view...
Only One Continent Until After The Flood | (MP3 (by Pastor Max D. Younce)

Ecclesiastes 11:5 and 12:4, “As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.... For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
Basically, proponents of an Old Earth view believe that the earth was created by God—did not evolve—has existed for millions (if not billions) of years—and that the human race is young, having only been in existence for 6,000 years (since 4,000 BC). Dr. Curtis Hutson (1934-1995) and Harry A. Ironside (1876-1951) believed this and so do I. This is often called the 'Gap Principle' (that is, a time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2). I don't call it a theory because it is not a “theory.”

The Hebrew word for “created” in Genesis 1:1 is bara, which means “(absolutely) to create.” The Hebrew word for “made” in Scriptures such as Genesis 1:6 is asah and means “to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application.” The fact that the word created in Genesis 1:1 is ABSOLUTE concerning creation, but all other words thereafter are not absolute, tells us that there was a big difference in what God was doing here. God created the universe out of nothing in Genesis 1:1, but then He remodeled creation beginning in Genesis 1:2c when His Spirit moved upon the waters.

Science Evidences An Old Earth, But Disproves Evolution

Most Christians have enough common sense to know that Evolution is a lie of the Devil. There's absolutely no tangible, observable, testable, verifiable or conclusive evidence to support the bogus theories of Evolution. In sharp contrast, legitimate science evidences an old earth, at least tens-of-millions of years old. Science has repeatedly evidenced by using tests on ACTUAL dinosaur bones, that dinosaurs lived tens-of-millions of years ago.

Take a good look at that actual dinosaur skeleton below. Do you honestly believe that Noah and his family brought baby Tyrannosauruses onto the Ark? You've got to be kidding? ...

Dinosaurs Survived Mass Extinction by 700,000 Years, Fossil Find Suggests

ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2011) — University of Alberta researchers determined that a fossilized dinosaur bone found in New Mexico confounds the long established paradigm that the age of dinosaurs ended between 65.5 and 66 million years ago.

The U of A team, led by Larry Heaman from the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, determined the femur bone of a hadrosaur as being only 64.8 million years old. That means this particular plant eater was alive about 700,000 years after the mass extinction event many paleontologists believe wiped all non-avian dinosaurs off the face of earth, forever.

Heaman and colleagues used a new direct-dating method called U-Pb (uranium-lead) dating. A laser beam unseats minute particles of the fossil, which then undergo isotopic analysis. This new technique not only allows the age of fossil bone to be determined but potentially can distinguish the type of food a dinosaur eats. Living bone contains very low levels of uranium but during fossilization (typically less than 1000 years after death) bone is enriched in elements like uranium. The uranium atoms in bone decay spontaneously to lead over time and once fossilization is complete the uranium-lead clock starts ticking. The isotopic composition of lead determined in the hadrosaur's femur bone is therefore a measure of its absolute age.

Currently, paleontologists date dinosaur fossils using a technique called relative chronology. Where possible, a fossil's age is estimated relative to the known depositional age of a layer of sediment in which it was found or constrained by the known depositional ages of layers above and below the fossil-bearing horizon. However, obtaining accurate depositional ages for sedimentary rocks is very difficult and as a consequence the depositional age of most fossil horizons is poorly constrained. A potential weakness for the relative chronology approach is that over millions of years geologic and environmental forces may cause erosion of a fossil-bearing horizon and therefore a fossil can drift or migrate from its original layer in the strata. The researchers say their direct-dating method precludes the reworking process.

It's widely believed that a mass extinction of the dinosaurs happened between 65.5 and 66 million years ago. It's commonly believed debris from a giant meteorite impact blocked out the Sun, causing extreme climate conditions and killing vegetation worldwide.

When I lived in Chicago I saw “Sue” the T-rex on display at the Field Museum Of Natural History. The skeletal dinosaur remains were unearthed in the state of Montana. I recall looking up, because Sue is really tall. There's no way that these horrific, yet beautiful, creatures dwelt with humanity. Any thinking person has a hard time believing that dinosaurs lived amongst mankind, and that Noah left the dinosaurs behind. It is superstition. Even more bizarre is the heresy that Noah brought baby dinosaurs onto the Ark. The logical and Biblical truth is that dinosaurs never coexisted with mankind. You can even find the word “old” in Psalms 102:25, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.” The issue is hotly debating, some even attacking the salvation of others who disagree. I think that is wrong.

Without Form And Void (by Dr. Arthur C. Constance)

Dinosaurs Lived Long Before Man

The Doorway Papers Series (exegetical books by Dr. Arthur C. Custance, 1910-1985)

Genesis 1:1-2 tells us that the world which God created BECAME void. This would explain the ice age. And again, the Bible even calls the earth “old” in Psalms 102:25, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.”

Sin Existed Before Genesis 1:2

2nd Peter 2:4, “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.”
Adam's sin did not cause Lucifer and one-third of the angels to fall. Sin existed prior to Adam, for it was Satan who sinned in trying to get Eve to sin. Adam's sin brought sin and death into the world that we know today. If Satan was created in Genesis, then God made the Devil. This is not what the Bible teaches.

We read that Lucifer became Satan by his own free-will, when he sought in Isaiah 14:14 to be EQUAL with God. This is the sin of feminists today who desire to be EQUAL with man's authority in the marriage, home, church and society. In every society where women rise to EQUALITY with men, there is lesbianism and abortion, corrupt women judges and preachers, and every evil work.

The fact that Satan (Revelation 20:2) was the serpent in the Garden Of Eden proves that he already existed before Genesis 1:2 when God began to REMODEL the earth. Those who advocate a Young Earth and claim that sin didn't exist prior to Adam don't know what they're talking about. Lucifer sinned. The Angels who followed him rebelled and sinned in so doing. What Satan did to Eve was a sin, for he deceived her to harm her. Eve then led Adam into sin. Then the entire human race was plunged into sin and death.

It is easy to get caught-up into a heresy if we're not diligent to try (test) the spirits as 1st John 4:1 commands. Dr. Walt Brown of teaches on his website that dinosaurs boarded the Ark and went for a ride with Noah for one year. Dinosaurs on the Ark? I don't think so! I'd say that about 90% of all the professed Christian websites are teaching a Young Earth view (and they're all wrong!). Most of those Young Earth ministries try to support their claim by evidencing that mankind has only been here for 6,000 years.

They're piggybacking their lie of a Young Earth on the truth of a Young Human Civilization! There is no debate whatsoever that humanity DIDN'T exist prior to 4,004 BC! The human race is 6,000 years old. This truth is easily evidenced by the advancement of humanity's writings, inventions, knowledge and population —all attesting to the fact that mankind began around 4,000 BC.

I actually heard a preacher proclaiming to his congregation that the solar system centers around the earth. He said only heretics teach that the sun is the center of our solar system. Albeit, astronomy evidences that the planets rotate around the sun, which is the largest mass in our planetary system. He took Joshua 10:13 out of context, which says “the sun stood still, and the moon stayed.” So this guy concluded that the sun must rotate around the earth.

The scientific truth is that all of the heavenly bodies are moving and rotating around each other. Thank God for hillbilly preachers; I love them every one if they still believe that the King James Bible is inspired and preach the truth from it. Amen! However, many people with college degrees won't listen to an ignorant man who blatantly goes against legitimate science. Dinosaurs could not plausible have existed along with mankind 4,500 years ago.

To learn more, please read FALLEN ANGELS PROVE OLD EARTH.

The Bible Teaches An Old Earth, But A Young Human Race

Psalms 102:25, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.”
The only reason why so many dead theologians, so-called experts and sincere people hold to a Young Earth view is because they've either never studied on their own, or have never had the blessing of a doctrinally-sound Bible teacher. I thank God for Pastor Max D. Younce, who is a thinking student of the Bible. Dr. Younce has written an excellent exegesis on this controversial subject of a Young Earth verses an Old Earth...

Whereas most of us repeat doctrines that we've heard over the years, Pastor Younce questions them. Faithful Christians do tend to question anything taught by the religious cults, such as the falsehood of Seventh-day Adventism that requires works for salvation. However, oftentimes we DON'T question teachings that we receive from fellow believers in the Lord. 1st John 4:1 tells us to try (test) the spirits of everything (music, books, doctrines, Bible versions, people, et cetera). There are many deceptions in the world. The Word of God is our absolute standard against which all else is to be tested. This is why the Lord taught us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (John 5:39).

Even without having the advantage of the Hebrew language available, anyone can see that the word “created” is not mentioned again after Genesis 1:1 until the 5th day of creation in Genesis 1:21 when He “created” the whales. Everything on the second, third and fourth day of creation were “made” the Bible says, which means that they previously existed and God simply remodeled them according to His fashion.

Here's an eye-opening quote from Dr. Younce's book, which further explains this doctrine on page 111...



We have previously discussed the difference between "created" ( Hebrew "bara") and "made" (Hebrew "asah"). To briefly refresh your memory; "created" means that God created something that at no time in the past had ever existed. "Made," on the other hand means "to form, assemble, and arrange from its previous state of usefulness to that form of beautification, so as to be used by God for His purpose."

It is interesting to notice that from Genesis 1:1 where God created the heavens and the earth; the word "created" (Hebrew "bara") does not appear again until the Fifth Day in Verse 20. Everything from Verse 2 to Verse 19 has to do with remodeling the earth in four days. These elements had previously been associated with the Original Creation, where Lucifer and the angels resided. Lucifer's sin brought about God's judgment on the earth, rendering it "without form and void." The angels are now disembodied spirit beings, leaving the earth uninhabitable and in a chaotic ruin. Now let us see what elements, which were previously created and were with the Original Creation, that God is now going to reactivate and position in His remodeling process.

1. Water. - Nowhere does it say from Verses 2 to 19 that water was created to be used as part of the renovation of the earth. Why would that be? Very simply, because water had already been created and in existence at the Original Creation. Notice in Genesis 1:2, it was water that God used to cover the earth as part of His judgment on the Original Creation (Genesis 1:2).

SOURCE: The Truth About Evolution; Or, Don't Let Satan Make A Monkey Out Of You, by Dr. Max D. Younce

Hard Copies Are Available!
Helpful Writings by Detective Robert Surgenor:
I had read and heard all my life from trusted Bible scholars that the Roman Empire will be revived in the End Times. You know, I still can't find anything in the Bible about a “revived Roman Empire.” In Revelation 17:10-11 we are taught that the Antichrist will arise from the 7th king (kingdom). There are 7 kings and the 8th is the Antichrist. These are world powers throughout history. The first 6 kings (world powers) were: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. There are super powers today, but no world power. The 7th king will be World Government (the New World Order). I think the Scriptures couldn't be any plainer in view of the world today. Rome won't be revived.

There are dozens of reasons to believe in an Old Earth view. Likewise, there are dozens more reasons why a Young Earth view doesn't make sense at all. Proponents of a Young Earth view grasp for straws in a desperate attempt to validate their teachings. Eric Hovind's website at claims the earth is young because the human race is only 6,000 years old. The age of the human race has absolutely NOTHING to do with the age of the earth! They're comparing apples with oranges.

The human race is indeed only 6,000 years old and the advancement of civilizations (languages, inventions, medical, industry, et cetera) clearly evidence this fact. However, the earth is very old. I have no problem with scientists estimating that the universe is 12 billion years old. It may be for all we know. What I do know is that the Hebrew language shows in Genesis 1:2 that the earth which God created became without form, and void and dark; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The Bible says God's Word NEVER returns void. Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Everything that God has ever created is good. Only sin destroys good. God never created a devil. God never created a fallen man. God never created an earth that is void.

You know, there are so many practical truths in the Bible that evidence an Old Earth. The book of Job chronologically took place at the same time as the book of Genesis. There are many evidences for this. For example: The law of God is not mentioned in Job, because it had not yet been given. Job mentions being hunted like a fierce lion. Job 10:16, “For it increaseth. Thou huntest me as a fierce lion: and again thou shewest thyself marvellous upon me.” If there were carnivorous dinosaurs alive at the time of Genesis, no doubt Job would have thought of a more ferocious predator than a mere lion. Many dinosaurs were meat-eating hunters!

The Bible, science, archaeology, history, paleontology and common sense evidence an Old Earth. I am a Creationist. I believe in a literal 6-day creation in Genesis. But the Hebrew language indicates that God remodeled the earth during those 6-days. To believe and teach that the universe did not exist prior to 4,004 BC (the date of the beginning of the human race) is ridiculous. A study of the civilizations of humanity overwhelmingly evidences that mankind began 6,000 years ago; but science also plainly evidences that the earth is much older.

Whether you believe in a Young Earth or an Old Earth has absolutely nothing to do with your salvation, but I believe many sincere unsaved people have been driven away from the Gospel when they hear a Christian teaching that dinosaurs roamed the earth 4,500 years ago. The reason why most believers are caught-up into the Young Earth heresy is because they have been taught to associate an Old Earth view with the bogus teachings of Evolution. But the truth is that the doctrine of an Old Earth does not in any way support the lies of Evolution. Evolution is totally against science and legitimate science is totally against Evolution! There is no scientific evidence to support the ridiculous theories of Evolution. In sharp contrast, all fields of science DOES support the truth of an Old Earth.

So remember these four truths:
  1. Legitimate science disproves the theories of Evolution.
  2. Legitimate science proves an old earth that's at least tens-of-millions of years old, which did not evolve.
  3. The Biblical truth of Creation does not contradict either true science or an Old Earth theological position.
  4. The human race is only 6,000 years old, evidenced by history and the holy Bible.
  5. Legitimate science and the holy Bible NEVER contradict or disagree. People who follow a Young Earth position are rejecting proven science! And people who follow Evolution are rejecting the inspired Words of God in the Bible! An Old Earth position accepts the claims of legitimate science, and as well rejects the bogus claims of Evolutionists, while upholding the inspired holy Scriptures!

1st Corinthians 1:18, “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish
foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”

“As a blind man has no idea of colors, so we have no idea of the manner by which the
all-wise God perceives and understands all things.” —Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

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