Sunday, July 18, 2021

Beware Of Junk Theologians Who Use God's Grace To Justify Everything

1st Corinthians 7:1-2, “Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

I am disturbed by the horrible intolerance of many professed Christians today toward divorced people in the church. I heard a Christian man unreasonably say that a divorced man should remain single for the rest of his life, even if his wife was the one who abandoned him. He misapplied the Scripture by quoting 2nd Corinthians 12:9, “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.The man said that God's grace is sufficient for a divorced man to cope with his loneliness, sexual needs and desire for a female companion for a lifetime.

Dear reader, that man is an idiot! If you are even slightly reasonable as a person, and have any compassion as a human being at all, you could never agree with such a narrow-minded, unrealistic, cruel, unbiblical and ridiculous idea. Then the man quoted Romans 14:21, “It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.He said that a divorced person ought never get remarried, because it might cause a weaker brother in Christ to stumble. Oh brother! Folks, that is insane thinking! I was flabbergasted at the junk theology that this man believes.

Dear friend, divorce is a horrible sin. God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16; Jeremiah 3:20). The man then quoted Matthew 19:8, “He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.”  His selfish reasoning is that both parties in a divorce are hard-hearted, but that is simply not true. When my former spouse divorced me in 2006, I refused to sign the divorce. I tried to stop the divorce every step of the way. I was threatened by my own lawyer of lengthy and costly litigation if I didn't cooperate, told that the female judge would retaliate against me. I was scared to death! I wept uncontrollably because I had a humble heart and didn't want a divorce. My former spouse cold-heartedly singed the divorce and shed no tears. It was her hardness alone that caused our divorce, not my doing. I was the only one who fought to stop it. I have it in legal writing, which she signed, that she refused to reconcile with me. I made my lawyer put that in the divorce agreement, so neither she nor anyone else could ever come back and say that I also wanted a divorce. Only she wanted a divorce!

I have only mentioned this for two reasons: 

  1. One is to encourage anyone else who has been the victim of an unwanted divorce. It is not your fault that your mate quit, even though you were to some degree guilty of being less than a perfect spouse. No one is a perfect wife or husband! That doesn't give your partner the right to abandon you! Nearly everyone who files for divorce blames their spouse, listing their sins and faults to justify their decision to divorce.
  2. Second, I mentioned this to refute the cruel idea that every divorced person had a hard heart. That is a wicked, selfish, unfair and horrible accusation to make about another person. I didn't have a hard heart, I am the victim. I didn't want the divorce.

It bothers me immensely that the ignorant man who said these horrible things, told me that a divorced man is biblically obligated to stay single for the rest of his life. It is junk theology! He literally said that God's grace is sufficient to empower a divorced man to remain single permanently. Only a weirdo or selfish married religious person thinks like that! I absolutely cannot believe how naïve, out of touch with reality and cruel some people can be!

Our text verse from 1st Corinthians 7:1-2 teaches that God's way to prevent the sin of fornication is to get married!!! That includes everybody! I am so sick and tired of religious hypocrites. Churches hypocritically talk about loving people, while condemning divorced people who are sexually burning and lonely for the companionship of a mate. Something is very wrong with a 45 year old person who has never been married! It is not normal.

I know that a lot of snobs, jerks and Pharisaical religious hypocrites will disagree with me, but I think I have the mind of Christ (1st Corinthians 2:16). 1st Corinthians 2:16, “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. I love Pastor Jack Hyles, because he used common sense and had compassion on people. Dr. Hyles understood that people are sinners, and we all make bad decisions, including the choice of who we marry. I chose poorly at age 20. She abandoned me when I was 39 years old. I am now 54 and still alone, but by God's grace I plan to remarry soon. I do not want to be alone anymore. I need a companion. 

Divorce happens! It's not right. It's not God's perfect will. I just heard a wonderful sermon today by Pastor Hyles called, “If Thou Should Mark Iniquities Who Could Stand? We are all woeful sinners! No one is worthy to serve God. NO ONE! In the sermon Pastor Hyles explains that there are three wills of God:

  1. God's perfect will
  2. God's acceptable will
  3. God's permissive will

God's perfect will is for a man and woman to get married, 'til death do us part. But in marriage you are uniting two sinners. Divorce happens, whether we like it or not. There is something called God's acceptable will. It is not God's perfect will for a person to get divorced, but it is within His acceptable will. And then there is God's permissive will. God hates divorce, but when there has been the sin of divorce, and the victim desires to remarry in a few years, they may do so within God's permissive will. If you deny that you are a cruel person! If you deny that, you are ignoring 1st Corinthians 7:1-2. 

Proof of this Scripture is evidenced by the preponderance of lesbians and homosexuals in America's prison system. Many men and women become lesbians and sodomites when incarcerated. Yet, ignorant, foolish and stupid pastors and laymen, will tell you in their cruelty and hated of divorce, that a divorced person is forbidden to ever get remarried. IT IS WICKEDNESS TO TELL PEOPLE THAT GARBAGE!!! The Bible does not agree with them. Anything in life can be justified. The Bible can be wrestled to teach anything (2nd Peter 3:16-17). I agree with Dr. John R. Rice that where the Bible is silent we should be silent. 

The Bible does not forbid remarriage. The Lord condemned a man divorcing his wife to run off with another woman (Matthew 19:9). The exception was if a newly married man discovered that his bride was not a virgin (Matthew 19:9). The Apostle Paul recommended remaining single if “loosed from a wife. The only way to be “loosed” from a wife is if you first have a wife. Paul had been previously married. We do not know if he was divorced or a widower, but he was “loosed” from his wife1st Corinthians 7:27-28, “Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.” Paul plainly says (and don't miss this) that if a man chooses to get remarried, THOU HAST NOT SINNED.

It is amazing all the junk theology that religious people get out of the Holy Bible, which the Bible doesn't really teach! I just showed you in 1st Corinthians 7:27-28 where the Bible says you are not sinning to get remarried. I just showed you where the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 7:2 that to avoid fornicating you should be married. I didn't say that, God did! The Lord said in Matthew 19:8 that the person filing for divorce has the hard heart. I have NEVER filed for divorce in my life!!! Shame on anyone who would berate and put down someone who is the victim of an unwanted divorce. 

It is easy for lazy armchair quarterbacks to call and criticize the game from the comfort of their home, when they've never thrown a ball, skinned a knee, caught a pass, nor scored a touchdown. You've got church fools all across the United States—who have never been summoned to divorce court, never lost their home and life's savings to greedy divorce lawyers, never experienced the inexplicable pain of betrayal and staggering financial loss, never lost their intimate partner—going around condemning divorced people, cruelly forbidding them from ever getting remarried. These jerks do not believe in God's acceptable or permissive will, they demand perfection or nothing! They are just as guilty as the Lordship Salvation cult.

I tell you, God is not an ogre who refuses to give people a second chance at happiness. God understands that we are dust. We are frail humans. We make bad decisions. I once heard Pastor Jack Hyles teach his preacher boys, that he usually recommends a waiting period of at least 5 years after a divorce, before making any decisions to remarry. Each situation is uniquely different and God weighs the matter. The Lord knows what is in a person's heart (Proverbs 24:12). God knows if someone is looking for a way out of their marriage, and will punish them accordingly (Romans 14:10-12). I am not saying that it is okay to divorce, it is not. Divorce is a sin that perpetuates for a lifetime! But if there has been a divorce, depending on the circumstances, and adequate time has passed, I believe Scripturally that Christians can remarry within God's permissive will. It is not God's perfect will.

Anybody who tells you that “God's grace” is strong enough to help you be alone and single for the rest of your life as a divorced person, burning in sexual desire without a mate, because you are not biblically allowed to get remarried, is a DAMN FOOL!

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